Programmation sql-dmo à travers une application vb

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Source / Exemple :

'Connecting to the SQL Server 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa MsgBox "Connected to SQL Server", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Connecting to a system database 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa Dim objDatabaseDMO As New SQLDMO.Database Set objDatabaseDMO = objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb") MsgBox "Connected to Tempdb database", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Creating a new database 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa Dim objDatabaseDMO As New SQLDMO.Database objDatabaseDMO.Name = "Emp_Database" objSQLServerDMO.Databases.Add objDatabaseDMO MsgBox "New Database Emp_Database Created", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Deleting a database 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa objSQLServerDMO.Databases.Remove "Emp_Database" MsgBox "New Database Emp_Database Deleted", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Creating a table into a new database 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa Dim objDatabaseDMO As SQLDMO.Database Set objDatabaseDMO = objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb") Dim objTableDMO As New SQLDMO.Table objTableDMO.Name = "Employee" Dim objColumn1DMO As New SQLDMO.Column objColumn1DMO.Name = "Emp_ID" objColumn1DMO.Datatype = "Varchar" objColumn1DMO.Length = 4 objColumn1DMO.AllowNulls = True Dim objColumn2DMO As New SQLDMO.Column objColumn2DMO.Name = "Emp_Name" objColumn2DMO.Datatype = "Varchar" objColumn2DMO.Length = 25 objColumn2DMO.AllowNulls = True objTableDMO.Columns.Add objColumn1DMO objTableDMO.Columns.Add objColumn2DMO objSQLServerDMO.Databases("TempDB").Tables.Add objTableDMO MsgBox "Table Employee created into the Tempdb Database", vbOKOnly, "SQLDMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Dropping a table 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb").Tables("Employee").Remove MsgBox "Table Employee deleted from the Tempdb Database", vbOKOnly, "SQLDMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Creating a index 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa Dim objDatabaseDMO As SQLDMO.Database Set objDatabaseDMO = objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb") Dim objTableDMO As New SQLDMO.Table objTableDMO.Name = "Employee" Dim objColumn1DMO As New SQLDMO.Column objColumn1DMO.Name = "Emp_ID" objColumn1DMO.Datatype = "Varchar" objColumn1DMO.Length = 4 objColumn1DMO.AllowNulls = True Dim objColumn2DMO As New SQLDMO.Column objColumn2DMO.Name = "Emp_Name" objColumn2DMO.Datatype = "Varchar" objColumn2DMO.Length = 25 objColumn2DMO.AllowNulls = True objTableDMO.Columns.Add objColumn1DMO objTableDMO.Columns.Add objColumn2DMO objSQLServerDMO.Databases("TempDB").Tables.Add objTableDMO Dim objIndexDMO As New SQLDMO.Index objIndexDMO.Name = "idx_Emp_ID" objIndexDMO.Type = SQLDMOIndex_Unique objIndexDMO.IndexedColumns = "[Emp_ID]" MsgBox "Index idx_Emp_Id created on column Emp_ID", vbOKOnly, "SQLDMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Perform Database backup 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa 'Creating a database 'If you already have database then you need not create again Dim objDatabase As New SQLDMO.Database objDatabase.Name = "Emp_Database" objSQLServerDMO.Databases.Add objDatabase 'Backing up your database Dim objBackupDMO As New SQLDMO.Backup objBackupDMO.Action = SQLDMOBackup_Database objBackupDMO.Database = "Emp_Database" 'Name of the database for which you are taking backup objBackupDMO.MediaName = "Emp_Database.bak" objBackupDMO.Files = "E:\Emp_Database.bak" 'Path where you need to place the backup objBackupDMO.SQLBackup objSQLServerDMO MsgBox "Emp_Database backup finished", vbOKOnly, "SQLDMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Restoring database backup 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa Dim objRestoreDMO As New SQLDMO.Restore objRestoreDMO.Action = SQLDMORestore_Database objRestoreDMO.Database = "Emp_Database" 'Name of the database which you need to restore objRestoreDMO.Files = "E:\Emp_Database.bak" 'Path of the file which you need to restore objRestoreDMO.SQLRestore objSQLServerDMO MsgBox "Restoring backup of Emp_Database finished", vbOKOnly, "SQLDMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Creating Triggers 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa Dim objTriggerDMO As New SQLDMO.Trigger objTriggerDMO.Name = "TRI_Employee" objTriggerDMO.Text = "Create Trigger Tri_Employee on Employee For Delete As Delete from Employee" objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb").Tables("Employee").Triggers.Add objTriggerDMO MsgBox "Trigger TRI_Employee created into the Tempdb database", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Deleting Triggers 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb").Tables("Employee").Triggers.Remove "TRI_Employee" MsgBox "Trigger TRI_Employee deleted from the Tempdb database", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Creating Views 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa Dim objViewDMO As New SQLDMO.View objViewDMO.Name = "V_Employee" objViewDMO.Text = "Create View V_Employee As Select * from Employee" objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb").Views.Add objViewDMO MsgBox "View V_Employee created into the Tempdb database", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Deleting Views 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb").Views.Remove "Vie_Employee" MsgBox "View V_Employee deleted from the Tempdb database", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Creating User Defined Data Types 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa Dim objUDTDMO As New SQLDMO.UserDefinedDatatype objUDTDMO.Name = "UDT_YOURNAME" objUDTDMO.BaseType = "Varchar" objUDTDMO.Length = 25 objUDTDMO.AllowNulls = False objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb").UserDefinedDatatypes.Add objUDTDMO MsgBox "UDT UDT_YourName Created into the Tempdb Database", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Deleting User Defined Data Types 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa objSQLServerDMO.Databases("TempDB").UserDefinedDatatypes.Remove "UDT_YourName" MsgBox "UDT UDT_YourName deleted from the Tempdb Database", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Creating a Stored Procedure 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa Dim objStoredProcedureDMO As New SQLDMO.StoredProcedure objStoredProcedureDMO.Name = "SPE_Employee" objStoredProcedureDMO.Text = "Create Procedure SPE_Employee As Select * from employee" objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb").StoredProcedures.Add objStoredProcedureDMO MsgBox "Procedure SPE_Employee created into the Tempdb database", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Deleting a Stored Procedure 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb").StoredProcedures.Remove "SPE_Employee" MsgBox "Procedure SPE_Employee deleted from the Tempdb database", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Creating a Database User 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa Dim objDatabaseDMO As SQLDMO.Database Set objDatabaseDMO = objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb") Dim objUserDMO As New SQLDMO.User objUserDMO.Name = "YourName" objUserDMO.Login = "YourMachineName\ADMINISTRATOR" 'If you are using NT server, depends on your machine objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb").Users.Add objUserDMO MsgBox "New User Created for TempDB database", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Deleting a Database User 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb").Users.Remove "YourName" MsgBox "User YourName deleted for Tempdb Database", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Creating a new SQL Server Login 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa Dim objLoginDMO As New SQLDMO.Login objLoginDMO.Name = "YourName" objLoginDMO.SetPassword "", "YourPassword" objSQLServerDMO.Logins.Add objLoginDMO MsgBox "New Server Login YourName Created", vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub
'Refreshing SQL-DMO Object 'Open a standard exe form 'Make a reference to Microsoft SQLDMO object Library 'Put a command button over the form 'Type the code below in the click event of Command Button Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler: Dim objSQLServerDMO As New SQLServer objSQLServerDMO.Connect "Name of the machine where component is running", sa 'Refresh method Updates the SQL-DMO object with the new values" objSQLServerDMO.Databases("Tempdb").Tables.Refresh True MsgBox "All tables updates with the new values in the Tempdb Database", vbOKOnly, "SQL_DMO" Exit Sub Err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbOKOnly, "SQL-DMO" End Sub

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