Mission pluto 2.0 clone de space invaders


Ce jeu a ete programe par moi en blitz basic (http:\\www.blitzbasic.com) c'est un clone de space invaders avec des powerups,missile, aliens et des boss.
Ne soyez pas trop dur avec moi car c'est ma 1ere source mais si vous trouvez que vous devez me critiquer n'ayez pas peur.
Si vous voulez compiler le jeu aller sur le site de blitz basic (http:\\www.blitzbasic.com)et telecharge BlitzPlus ou Blitz3D.

Source / Exemple :

; /----------------------------------------\
; |                                        |
; | Mission: Pluto  2.0.1                  |
; | Georges                                |
; | Revised 15/04/06   ____________________|
; |___________________|georges023@gmail.com|
Graphics 640, 480, 16, 1
AppTitle "Mission: Pluto  2.0  by Georges"
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

; * GFX  *
;mets les images su jeu en memoire
Global Ships = LoadAnimImage("player2v1.jpg", 30, 37, 0, 7): MaskImage Ships, 0, 0, 0
Global Enemy = LoadAnimImage("Enemy.jpg", 40, 45, 0, 3): MaskImage Enemy, 0, 0, 0
Global Enemy2 = LoadAnimImage("ships.jpg", 24, 28, 0, 1): MaskImage Enemy2, 0, 0, 0
Global Enemy3 = LoadAnimImage("ships2.JPG", 68, 63, 0, 3): MaskImage Enemy3, 0, 0, 0
Global Power = LoadAnimImage("Powerups.jpg", 30, 38, 0, 4): MaskImage Power, 0, 0, 0
Global Boss = LoadAnimImage("boss.JPG", 158, 136, 0, 3): MaskImage Boss, 255, 0, 255
Global Asteroids = LoadAnimImage("Asteroids.bmp", 32 ,28, 0, 5): MaskImage Asteroids, 255, 0, 255
Global Explode = LoadAnimImage("explode.jpg", 32, 32, 0, 19)
Global Shots = LoadAnimImage("Shots 2.bmp",7, 12, 0, 3): MaskImage Shots, 255, 0, 255
Global EShots = LoadAnimImage("EShots.jpg", 30, 19, 0, 3): MaskImage EShots, 0, 0, 0
Global Orb = LoadAnimImage("Orb.jpg", 64, 64, 0, 2)
Global Logo = LoadImage("Logo.jpg"): MaskImage Logo, 0, 0, 0
Global Laser1 = LoadImage("laser.jpg")

splashscreenimage = LoadImage("splashscreen.jpg"):MaskImage splashscreenimage, 0, 0, 0   ;the splash screen
Global font_one=LoadFont( "Halo",20 )


; * SFX *
;mets les sons en memoire
Global Shot1SFX       = LoadSound("bomb.wav")
Global Shot5SFX       = LoadSound("shot5.wav")
Global DiveSFX        = LoadSound("Dive.wav")
Global ExploSFX       = LoadSound("Explode.wav")
Global PowerSFX       = LoadSound("Power.wav")
Global PulseSFX       = LoadSound("Pulse.wav")
Global LaserSFX       = LoadSound("Laser.wav")
Global explosionsound = LoadSound("explode.wav")
Global bulletsound    = LoadSound("zing.wav")
Global Laser1SFX      = LoadSound("Zing.wav")

;Joue la musique du fond
backgroundmusic = PlayMusic ("Mars.mp3")

Global mapwidth,mapheight,maposx,maposy,space

; * Vars *
Global EFrame = 0, EFMax = 3, AW = 32, AH = 30
Global P1X, P1Y, P1Score = 0 ; Player 1
Global FPS = 0, Frames = 0, Time# = MilliSecs() + 1 ; FPS Counter
Global BulletTime = MilliSecs()
Global AnimTimer = MilliSecs(), MainTimer = MilliSecs()
Global AlienNum = 30, AX = 32, AY = 32, AType = 1, Amax = 1, ADir = 0, I, ADive = 0, DiveMax = 1
Global Level = 30, Weap = 1, WeapFrame = 0, EWeapFrame = 0
Global P1Lives = 6, PlayerHit = 0, JustRun = 1
Global Line1$, Line2, Line3$, Line4, Line5$, Line6, Line7$, Line8, Line9$, Line10
Global Difficulty = 990, Diff2 = 100
Global EType = 1, AKill = 0, BlastTimer = MilliSecs(), BTR = 1750, BFlag = 0, LaserTime = MilliSecs()
Global TempM, LSF = 0, DFlag1 = 0, DFlag2 = 0, DFlag3 = 0

;dimension map And score table

Dim map(mapwidth,mapheight)

Type Stars
	Field X
	Field Y
	Field C
	Field S
	Field T
	Field F
End Type

Type players    ; you the hero
    Field x,y,sx,sy,dx,dy,frame,image,dest,dir,speed,bored,state
End Type

Type flys       ; fireflys and butterflys
    Field x,y,sx,sy,dx,dy,sort,frame,image,dest,dir,speed,state
End Type
Type objects    ; boulders and diamonds ect ect
    Field x,y,sx,sy,dx,dy,frame,image,dest,dir,speed,sparkle#,state
End Type
Type explosions ; explosions
    Field x,y,sx,sy,frame,image,speed
End Type

Type Bullet
	Field X
	Field Y
	Field T
End Type

Type EParticle
	Field X
	Field Y
	Field L
End Type

Type Alien
	Field X
	Field Y
	Field T
	Field S
	Field D
	Field ID
	Field Dive
End Type

Type Explosion
	Field X
	Field Y
	Field F
	Field T
End Type

Type PowerUp
	Field X
	Field Y
	Field S
	Field T
End Type

Type Boss1
	Field X
	Field Y
	Field S
	Field L
	Field D
	Field F
End Type

Type Bull
	Field X
	Field Y
	Field A
	Field D
	Field F
	Field T
	Field K
End Type

level = 1 

DrawImage(splashscreenimage, 165, 180)
Delay 3000

Font = LoadFont("halo", 14, False, False, False)
SetFont Font

For h.Boss1 = Each Boss1
	Delete H

LSF = 1
For b.Bullet = Each Bullet
	Delete b
For e.EParticle = Each EParticle
	Delete E
For a.Alien = Each Alien
	Delete A

For bb.Bull = Each Bull
		Delete BB

If Level = 7 And DFlag1 = 0 Then DiveMax = DiveMax + 1: DFlag1 = 1
If Level = 14 And DFlag2 = 0 Then DiveMax = DiveMax + 1: DFlag2 = 1
If Level = 21 And DFlag3 = 0 Then DiveMax = DiveMax + 1: DFlag3 = 1

TempX = 255: TempY = 0
While Not KeyHit(28)

Until MilliSecs()-MainTimer>=13


If Level > 9 Then ; Set 2
	EType = 2: EFrame = 0: EFMax = 4: AW = 32: AH = 44

If Level > 19 Then ; Set 3
	EType = 3: EFrame = 0: EFMax = 3: AW = 32: AH = 30

If JustRun = 1 Then DrawImage Logo, 165, 180: DisplayHiScores()
AlienNum = 30
If Diff2 <= 8 Then Diff2 = 8
AX = 32
AY = 32
AMax = 1
ADir = 0
ADive = 0
P1X = 320 - 24
P1Y = 480 - 80
If Level <> 10 And Level <> 20 And Level <> 30 Then AKill = 0
PlayerHit = 0
Color TempX, TempX, TempX
If KeyHit(70) Then P1Lives = 3: PlaySound PowerSFX
If KeyHit(1) Then End
If JustRun = 0  And Level <> 10 And Level <> 20 And Level <> 30 And Level <> 15 Then Text 297, 230, "Dimension " +"  "+ Level 
If Level = 10 Or Level = 20 Or Level = 30 Then Text 273, 230, "Kuiper BELT"
If Level = 15 Then Text 305, 230, "Master"
If TempY = 0 Then TempX = TempX - 5
If TempY = 1 Then TempX = TempX + 5
If TempX <= 5 Then TempY = 1
If TempX >= 250 Then TempY = 0

JustRun = 0

If Level = 10 Or Level = 20 Or Level = 30 Then Goto Main ; Asteroid Belt
If Level = 15 Then 
	If BFlag = 0 Then CBoss(): BFlag = 1
	Goto Main ; Boss

For I = 1 To AlienNum
	AX = AX + 48
	If I = 10 Then AY = AY + 48: AX = 32
	If I = 20 Then AY = AY + 48: AX = 32
MainTimer = MilliSecs()
LSF = 0

While Not KeyHit(1)

Until MilliSecs()-MainTimer>=13
MainTimer = MilliSecs()


If Level = 15 Then RBoss(): RBBull()

DrawImage Ships, P1X, P1Y, 0

If MilliSecs() >= Time Then	FPS = Frames: Frames = 0: Time = Time + 1000
Color 255, 255, 0
;Text 1, 1, "FPS: " + FPS

Text 20, 456, "Score: " + P1Score
Text 560, 456, "Lives: " + P1Lives

If ADir = 0 Then Amax = AMax + 1
If ADir = 1 Then Amax = Amax - 1
If AMax > 70 Then ADir = 1
If AMax < -15 Then ADir = 0

If Weap = 1 Then WeapFrame = 0
If Weap = 2 Then WeapFrame = 1
If Weap = 3 Then WeapFrame = 2
If EType = 2 Then EWeapFrame = 1
If EType = 3 Then EWeapFrame = 2

If ChannelPlaying(Channel) = 0 Then
	StopChannel Channel
	If TempM = 1 Then TempM = 2: Channel = PlayMusic("track2.mod"): Goto LeaveMusic
	If TempM = 2 Then TempM = 3: Channel = PlayMusic("track3.mod"): Goto LeaveMusic
	If TempM = 3 Then TempM = 4: Channel = PlayMusic("track4.mod"): Goto LeaveMusic
	If TempM = 4 Then TempM = 1: Channel = PlayMusic("track1.mod"): Goto LeaveMusic	

snnum = "1"
If KeyHit(68)
  SaveBuffer(BackBuffer(), "screenshots\" + "screenshot"+ snnum +".bmp")

snnum = snnum + "1" 
If AlienNum <= 0 Then Level = Level + 1: Difficulty = Difficulty + 90: Diff2 = Diff2 + 4: Goto Level
If AKill >= 150 Then Level = Level - 1: Difficulty = Difficulty - 6: Diff2 = Diff2 - 4: Goto Level
If PlayerHit = 1 Then 
	P1Lives = P1Lives - 1
	Weap = 1
	PlaySound ExploSFX
	If P1Lives < 0 Then Goto GameOver
	Goto Level 

If KeyDown(203) Then P1X = P1X - 3
If KeyDown(205) Then P1X = P1X + 3
If KeyDown(200) Then P1Y = P1Y - 3
If KeyDown(208) Then P1Y = P1Y + 3

If KeyHit(57) And MilliSecs() >= BulletTime + 250 Then CBullet(Weap): PlaySound Shot1SFX

If P1X <= 1 Then P1X = 2
If P1X >= 614 Then P1X = 613
If P1Y >= 427 Then P1Y = 426
If P1Y <= 300 Then P1Y = 301


Function CStars()
s.Stars = New Stars
	s\X = Rand(1, 640)
	s\Y = -29
	s\C = Rand(1, 4)
	s\S = Rand(1, 3)
	s\T = 0
	TempA = Rand(1, Diff2): TempB = Rand(1, Diff2)
	If TempA = TempB Then s\T = Rand(1, 4): s\S = Rand(2, 5): s\F = Rand(0, 4)
	If Level = 10 Or Level = 20 Or Level = 30 Then
		TempA = Rand(1, 2): TempB = Rand(1, 2)
		If TempA = TempB Then 
			s\T = Rand(1, 4)
			s\F = Rand(0, 4)
			If Level = 10 Then s\S = Rand(3, 6)
			If Level = 20 Then s\S = Rand(4, 7)
			If Level = 30 Then s\S = Rand(5, 8)
End Function

Function CBullet(BType)
If Btype = 1 Then
	b.Bullet = New Bullet
		b\X = P1X + 10
		b\Y = P1Y 
		b\T = BType
		BulletTime = MilliSecs()

If Btype = 2 Then
	b.Bullet = New Bullet
		b\X = P1X + 2
		b\Y = P1Y + 5
		b\T = 2
	b.Bullet = New Bullet
		b\X = P1X + 19
		b\Y = P1Y + 5
		b\T = 2

	BulletTime = MilliSecs()

If BType = 3 Then
	b.Bullet = New Bullet
		b\X = P1X + 10
		b\Y = P1Y 
		b\T = 1
	b.Bullet = New Bullet
		b\X = P1X + 3
		b\Y = P1Y + 5
		b\T = 3
	b.Bullet = New Bullet
		b\X = P1X + 18
		b\Y = P1Y + 5
		b\T = 3
		BulletTime = MilliSecs()

If Btype = 5 Then
	b.Bullet = New Bullet
	For a.Alien = Each Alien
		If a\S = 1 Then
			b\X = a\X + 15
			b\Y = a\Y + 30
			b\T = BType
			a\S = 0
End Function

Function CBBull(BX, BY, Num)
	If Num = 1 Then
		bb.Bull = New Bull
		bb\X = BX
		bb\Y = BY
		bb\A = 0
		bb\K = 1
		bb.Bull = New Bull
		bb\X = BX
		bb\Y = BY
		bb\A = 1
		bb\K = 1
		bb.Bull = New Bull
		bb\X = BX
		bb\Y = BY
		bb\A = 2
		bb\K = 1
		bb\T = MilliSecs()
	If Num = 2 Then
		bb.Bull = New Bull
		bb\X = BX
		bb\Y = BY
		bb\K = 2
End Function

Function CEngine()
e.EParticle = New EParticle
	TempY = Rand(1, 2)
	If TempY = 1 Then e\X = P1X + Rand(5, 9)
	If TempY = 2 Then e\X = P1X + Rand(14, 18)
	e\Y = P1Y + 27
	e\L = Rand(20, 30)
End Function

Function CAlien()
a.Alien = New Alien
	a\X = AX
	a\Y = AY
	a\T = AType
	a\S = 0
	a\D = 0
	a\ID = I
	a\Dive = 0
End Function

Function CExplo(EX, EY)
x.Explosion = New Explosion
	x\X = EX
	x\Y = EY
	x\F = 0
	x\T = MilliSecs()
End Function

Function CPower(PX, PY, PS)
p.PowerUp = New PowerUp
	p\X = PX
	p\Y = PY
	p\S = PS
	TempA = Rand(1, 2): TempB = Rand(1, 2)
	If TempA = TempB Then p\T = 3 Else p\T = Rand(0, 1)
End Function

Function CBoss()
h.Boss1 = New Boss1
	h\X = 640 /2 - 96 / 2
	h\Y = 25
	h\S = 0
	h\D = 1
	h\L = 200
	h\F = 0
	AnimTimer = MilliSecs()
End Function
Function RStars()
For s.Stars = Each Stars
	s\Y = s\Y + s\S
	If s\T = 0 Then
		If s\C = 1 Then Color 255, 255, 255
		If s\C = 2 Then Color 128, 128, 128
		If s\C = 3 Then Color 192, 192, 192
		If s\C = 4 Then Color 80, 80, 80
        Rect s\X, s\Y, 1, 1
	If s\T > 0 Then ; Asteriod
		DrawImage Asteroids, s\X, s\Y, s\F
		For b.Bullet = Each Bullet
			If ImagesCollide(Shots, b\X, b\Y, WeapFrame, Asteroids, s\X, s\Y, s\F) And B\T <> 5 Then 
				CExplo(s\X, s\Y): PlaySound ExploSFX
				P1Score = P1Score + 999999
				TempA = Rand(1, 6): TempB = Rand(1, 6)
				If TempA = TempB And Level <> 10 And Level <> 20 And Level <> 30 Then CPower(s\X, s\Y, s\S)
				Delete b
				Delete s
				If Level = 10 Or Level = 20 Or Level = 30 Then Akill = Akill + 1
				Goto Leave
	If ImagesCollide(Ships, P1X, P1Y, 0, Asteroids, s\X, s\Y, s\F) And LSF = 0 Then
		CExplo(P1X -3, P1Y + 15)
		PlayerHit = 1
		Goto Leave
If s\Y > 480 Then Delete S
End Function

Function RBullet()
For b.Bullet = Each Bullet
	If b\T = 1 Then
		b\Y = b\Y - 4
		DrawImage Shots, b\X, b\Y, WeapFrame
		If b\Y < 0 Then Delete b: Goto leave
	If b\T = 2 Then
		b\Y = b\Y - 4
		DrawImage Shots, b\X, b\Y, WeapFrame
		If b\Y < 0 Then Delete b: Goto Leave
	If b\T = 3 Then
		b\Y = b\Y - 5
		DrawImage Shots, b\X, b\Y, WeapFrame
		If b\Y < 0 Then Delete B: Goto Leave
		If b\T = 5 Then
		b\Y = b\Y + 4
		DrawImage EShots, b\X, b\Y, EWeapFrame
		If  b\Y > 480 Then Delete B: Goto leave

End Function

Function REngine()
For e.EParticle = Each EParticle
	e\X = e\X + Rand(-2, 2)
	e\Y = e\Y + Rand(1, 2) 
	If e\L > 20 Then Color 156, 255, 255
	If e\L > 10 And e\L < 20 Then Color 0, 150, 150
	If e\L > 0 And e\L < 10 Then Color 56, 100, 100
	Rect e\X, e\Y, 1, 1
	e\L = e\L - 1
	If e\L <= 0 Or e\Y > 480 Then Delete e
End Function

Function RAlien()
For a.Alien = Each Alien 
	If a\Dive = 0
		If a\D = 0 Then a\X = a\X + 2 
		If a\D = 1 Then a\X = a\X - 2 
		If ADir = 0 Then a\D = 0
		If ADir = 1 Then a\D = 1
	If ADive < DiveMax Then Choose()
	If a\Dive = 1 Then 
		If P1X > a\X Then a\X = a\X + 2
		If P1X < a\X Then a\X = a\X - 2 
		a\Y = a\Y + Rand(3, 4)
	TempA = Rand(1, Difficulty): TempB = Rand(1, Difficulty)
	If TempA = TempB And a\S = 0 Then a\S = 1: CBullet(5): PlaySound Shot5SFX
	If a\T = 1 Then 
		If EType = 1 Then DrawImage Enemy, a\X, a\Y, EFrame
		If Etype = 2 Then DrawImage Enemy2, a\X, a\Y, EFrame
		If EType = 3 Then DrawImage Enemy3, a\X, a\Y, EFrame
		If MilliSecs() >= AnimTimer + 300 Then EFrame = EFrame + 1: AnimTimer = MilliSecs()
		If EFrame = EFMax Then EFrame = 0
	If ImageRectCollide(Ships, P1X, P1Y, 0, a\X, a\Y, AW, AH) Then CExplo(a\X - 3, a\Y + 15): PlayerHit = 1: Goto Leave
	For b.Bullet = Each Bullet
		If ImageRectCollide(Shots, b\X, b\Y, WeapFrame, a\X, a\Y, AW, AH) And b\T <> 5 Then 
				CExplo(a\X + 5, a\Y + 5): PlaySound ExploSFX
				If A\Dive = 1 Then ADive = ADive - 1
				Delete A: Delete B: 
				If EType = 1 Then P1Score = P1Score + 1000
				If EType = 2 Then P1Score = P1Score + 2000
				If EType = 3 Then P1Score = P1Score + 3000
				AlienNum = AlienNum - 1: Goto Leave
		If ImagesCollide(Shots, P20X, P17Y, 0, EShots, b\X, b\Y, WeapFrame) And b\T = 5 Then
			CExplo(P20X -3, P17Y + 15)
			PlayerHit = 1
			a\Dive = 0
		If ImagesCollide(Ships, P1X, P1Y, 0, EShots, b\X, b\Y, EWeapFrame) And b\T = 5 Then
			CExplo(P1X -3, P1Y + 15)
			PlayerHit = 1
			a\Dive = 0
	If a\Y > 480 Then a\Y = - 30
End Function

Function RExplo()
For x.Explosion = Each Explosion
	DrawImage Explode, x\X, x\Y, x\F
	If MilliSecs() >= x\T + 15 Then x\F = x\F + 1: x\T = MilliSecs()
	If x\F = 19 Then Delete X
End Function

Function RBoss()
For h.Boss1 = Each Boss1
	If h\D = 1 Then h\X = h\X + 2
	If h\D = 0 Then h\X = h\X - 2
	If h\X <= 15 Then h\D = 1
	If h\X >= 529 Then h\D = 0

	If MilliSecs() >= BlastTimer + BTR Then CBBull(h\X+5,  h\Y + 74, 1): BlastTimer = MilliSecs(): PlaySound PulseSFX
	If MilliSecs() >= LaserTime + 4000 Then CBBull(h\X+48, h\Y + 96, 2): LaserTime = MilliSecs(): PlaySound LaserSFX

	For b.Bullet = Each Bullet
		If ImagesCollide(Shots, b\X, b\Y, WeapFrame, Boss, h\X, h\Y, h\F) Then
			h\L = h\L - 1: BTR = BTR - 5
			CExplo(b\X, b\Y): PlaySound ExploSFX
			Delete b

	If h\L <= 0 Then 
		For TempX = h\X - 16 To h\X + 96 Step 32
			For TempY = h\Y To h\Y + 96 Step 32
				CExplo(TempX, TempY)
		PlaySound ExploSFX
		P1Score = P1Score + 10000
		Delete h
		Level = Level + 1: Difficulty = Difficulty - 6: Diff2 = Diff2 - 4: AlienNum = 0: Goto Leave
	DrawImage Boss, h\X, h\Y, h\F
	If MilliSecs() >= AnimTimer + 300 Then h\F = h\F + 1: AnimTimer = MilliSecs()
	If h\F >= 3 Then h\F = 0
End Function

Function RPower()
For p.PowerUp = Each PowerUp
	p\Y = p\Y + p\S
	DrawImage Power, p\X, p\Y, p\T

	If ImagesCollide(Ships, P1X, P1Y, 0, Power, p\X, p\Y, p\T) Then
		PlaySound PowerSFX
		If p\T = 3 Then Weap = 3
		If p\T = 1 Then Weap = 2
		If p\T = 0 Then P1Lives = P1Lives + 2
		Delete P
		Goto Leave
	End If
	If p\Y > 480 Then Delete P
End Function

Function Choose()
TempQ = Rand(1, 30)
For a.Alien = Each Alien
	If a\ID = TempQ Then a\Dive = 1: ADive = Adive + 1: PlaySound DiveSFX
End Function

Function RBBull()
For bb.Bull = Each Bull
If bb\K = 1 Then
	If bb\A = 0 Then
		bb\X = bb\X
		bb\Y = bb\Y + 4
	If bb\A = 1 Then
		bb\X = bb\X - 2
		bb\Y = bb\Y + 4
	If bb\A = 2 Then 
		bb\X = bb\X + 2
		bb\Y = bb\Y + 4
	DrawImage Orb, bb\X, bb\Y, bb\F
	If ImageRectCollide(Orb, bb\X, bb\Y, bb\F, P1X, P1Y, 24, 28) Then
		CExplo(P1X -3, P1Y + 15)
		PlayerHit = 1
	If MilliSecs() >= bb\T + 50 Then bb\F = bb\F + 1: bb\T = MilliSecs()
	If bb\F = 10 Then bb\F = 0

If bb\K = 2 Then
	Color 255, 255, 255
	For h.Boss1 = Each Boss1
		bb\Y = bb\Y + 3
		Color 0, 255, 255
		Rect h\X + 46, h\Y + 96, 4, bb\Y
		If RectsOverlap(P1X, P1Y, 24, 28, h\X + 46, h\Y + 96, 4, bb\Y) Then
			CExplo(P1X - 3, P1Y + 15)
			PlayerHit = 1

	For b.Bullet = Each Bullet
		If ImagesCollide(Shots, b\X, b\Y, WeapFrame, Orb, bb\X, bb\Y, bb\F) Then Delete B
	If bb\Y > 480 Then Delete BB
End Function 

Function LoadHiScores()
File = ReadFile("hiscore.rde")

Line1$ = ReadLine(File)
Line2 = ReadLine(File)
Line3$ = ReadLine(File)
Line4 = ReadLine(File)
Line5$ = ReadLine(File)
Line6 = ReadLine(File)
Line7$ = ReadLine(File)
Line8 = ReadLine(File)
Line9$ = ReadLine(File)
Line10 = ReadLine(File)
End Function 

Function show_hiscores()
File = OpenFile("hiscore.rde")
Color 255, 255, 0
Print "~You Made The High Score List!~"
Locate 165, 180: Name$ = Input$("Enter Your Name: ")
If Len(Name$) > 100 Then
	Locate 165, 200
	Name$ = Input$("Enter Your Name (20 Characters Max): ")

If P1Score > Line10 And P1Score < Line8 Then Line9$ = Name$: Line10 = P1Score ; Got 5th Place
If P1Score > Line8 And P1Score < Line6 Then ; Got 4th Place
	Line9$ = Line7$: Line10 = Line8
	Line7$ = Name$: Line8 = P1Score
If P1Score > Line6 And P1Score < Line4 Then  ; Got 3rd Place
	Line9$ = Line7$: Line10 = Line8
	Line7$ = Line5$: Line8 = Line6
	Line5$ = Name$: Line6 = P1Score
If P1Score > Line4 And P1Score < Line2 Then ; Got 2nd
	Line9$ = Line7$: Line10 = Line8
	Line7$ = Line5$: Line8 = Line6
	Line5$ = Line3$: Line6 = Line4
	Line3$ = Name$: Line4 = P1Score
If P1Score > Line2 Then ; 1st!
	Line9$ = Line7$: Line10 = Line8
	Line7$ = Line5$: Line8 = Line6
	Line5$ = Line3$: Line6 = Line4
	Line3$ = Line1$: Line4 = Line2
	Line1$ = Name$: Line2 = P1Score

WriteLine( File, Line1)
WriteLine( File, Line2)
WriteLine( File, Line3)
WriteLine( File, Line4)
WriteLine( File, Line5)
WriteLine( File, Line6)
WriteLine( File, Line7)
WriteLine( File, Line8)
WriteLine( File, Line9)
WriteLine( File, Line10)

CloseFile( File )

End Function 
Function DisplayHiScores()
Color 255, 255, 0
Text 265, 290, "- High Scores - 
Text 240, 320, Line1$: Text 380, 320, Line2
Text 240, 340, Line3$: Text 380, 340, Line4
Text 240, 360, Line5$: Text 380, 360, Line6
Text 240, 380, Line7$: Text 380, 380, Line8
Text 240, 400, Line9$: Text 380, 400, Line10
End Function 

While Not KeyHit(28)

Until MilliSecs()-MainTimer>=13

LSF = 1
Color 255, 255, 0
Text 288, 230, "GAME OVER"

If P1Score > Line10 Then show_hiscores(): Goto Reset

Goto Reset

Conclusion :

Ce jeux sera bientot mis a jour.
lancer play.bat pour voir le mp2.exe

Codes Sources

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