Sqlce créer une base sans sql server

Contenu du snippet

Voici comment créer une base SQLCe sur un Pocket PC sans SQL Server. On réalise cette base et on la remplie à partir d'un fichier texte

Source / Exemple :

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlServerCe
Imports System.Text
    Public CheminCourant As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetName.CodeBase)
    Public Const ListeSeparation As String = ","
    Public Const FichierSQL = "\MaBase.sdf"
    Public Const FicGare = "\listeScores.txt"
#Region "Maintenance Base SQL ExistanTe(ou pas)"
    Public Function CréateDB()
        'Cette procédure permet de vérifier l'existence de la base SDF
        'Si elle n'existe pas on la crée
        If Not File.Exists(CheminCourant & FichierSQL) Then
            VerifieDB = False
            MsgBox("tentative de reconstruire les bases de données")
            'On refabrique la base
            If CreateBase() = True Then
                MsgBox("Création de la Base")
                MsgBox("Impossible de créer la BD")
                Exit Function
            End If
            VerifieDB = True
            VerifieDB = True
        End If
    End Function
    Public Function CreateBase() As Boolean
        CreateBase = False
        Dim cu_sql As String
        Dim MySqlCeEngine As New SqlCeEngine("Data Source=" & CheminCourant & FichierSQL)
        Dim maconnexion As SqlCeConnection = Nothing
            maconnexion = New SqlCeConnection(("Data Source=" & CheminCourant & FichierSQL))
            Dim mycmd As SqlCeCommand
            mycmd = maconnexion.CreateCommand
            'Ici implémenter la lecture d'un fichier SQL.
            'Base Score
            cu_sql = "CREATE TABLE Score(Nom ntext,Prenom ntext, Score int)"
            mycmd.CommandText = cu_sql
            MsgBox("Creation base Score: Succès")
            CreateBase = True
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
        End Try
    End Function
    Public Sub ChargeBaseScore()
        MsgBox(" debut chargement gares")
        Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor
        Dim Req_sql As String
        Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(CheminCourant & FicGare)
        Dim StrInput As String
        Dim StrData() As String
        Dim maconnexion As SqlCeConnection = Nothing
            maconnexion = New SqlCeConnection(("Data Source=" & CheminCourant & FichierSQL))
            Dim mycmd As SqlCeCommand
            mycmd = maconnexion.CreateCommand
                StrInput = sr.ReadLine
                If StrInput Is Nothing Then GoTo suite
                StrData = StrInput.Split(ListeSeparation)
                StrData(0) = Replace(StrData(0), "'", "''")
                Req_sql = "INSERT INTO Gare(Nom, Prenom, Score ) VALUES ('" & StrData(0) & "','" & StrData(1) & "'," & StrData(2) & ");"
                mycmd.CommandText = Req_sql
            Loop Until StrInput Is Nothing
            MsgBox("Fin de Chargement Score")
        Catch ex As Exception
            'MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
        End Try
        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default
    End Sub
    Public Sub ShowErrors(ByVal e As SqlCeException)
        Dim errorCollection As SqlCeErrorCollection = e.Errors

        Dim bld As New StringBuilder
        Dim inner As Exception = e.InnerException

        If Not inner Is Nothing Then
            MessageBox.Show(("Inner Exception: " & inner.ToString()))
        End If

        Dim err As SqlCeError

        ' Enumerate each error to a message box.
        For Each err In errorCollection
            bld.Append((ControlChars.Cr & " Error Code: " & err.HResult.ToString("X")))
            bld.Append((ControlChars.Cr & " Message   : " & err.Message))
            bld.Append((ControlChars.Cr & " Minor Err.: " & err.NativeError))
            bld.Append((ControlChars.Cr & " Source    : " & err.Source))

            ' Retrieve the error parameter numbers for each error.
            Dim numPar As Integer
            For Each numPar In err.NumericErrorParameters
                If 0 <> numPar Then
                    bld.Append((ControlChars.Cr & " Num. Par. : " & numPar))
                End If
            Next numPar

            ' Retrieve the error parameters for each error.
            Dim errPar As String
            For Each errPar In err.ErrorParameters
                If [String].Empty <> errPar Then
                    bld.Append((ControlChars.Cr & " Err. Par. : " & errPar))
                End If
            Next errPar

            bld.Remove(0, bld.Length)
        Next err
    End Sub
#End Region

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