Imprimer une msflexgrid

Contenu du snippet

Procédure pour imprimer une grille msflexgrid avec sauts de page.

Source / Exemple :

Private Sub Imprimer()
On Error Resume Next
Dim NbLigne As Long
Dim Y As Double
Dim X As Double
Dim I As Long
Dim j As Integer
Dim Txt As Variant
Dim NbPages As Integer
Dim Rep As String
Dim NumPage As Integer
Printer.ScaleMode = 7
Printer.ScaleHeight = 29.7
Printer.ScaleWidth = 21
Printer.Font = "arial"
NbLigne = Me.Grille.Rows
NbPages = Int((NbLigne / 32) + 1)
Rep = InputBox("Préparez votre imprimante pour environ " & NbPages & " pages.", Vapi_Nomprog, "OUI")
If Rep <> "oui" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Y = 1
NumPage = 1
For I = 0 To Me.Grille.Rows
Y = Y + 0.4
'position des colonnes'
Printer.CurrentX = 1: Printer.CurrentY = Y: Printer.Print Me.Grille.TextMatrix(I, 1)
Printer.CurrentX = 8: Printer.CurrentY = Y: Printer.Print Me.Grille.TextMatrix(I, 2)
Printer.CurrentX = 11: Printer.CurrentY = Y: Printer.Print Me.Grille.TextMatrix(I, 3)
Printer.CurrentX = 14: Printer.CurrentY = Y: Printer.Print Me.Grille.TextMatrix(I, 4)
Printer.CurrentX = 17: Printer.CurrentY = Y: Printer.Print Me.Grille.TextMatrix(I, 5)
If I > 1 Then
Y = Y + 0.3
For j = 1 To 17
Printer.CurrentY = Y: Printer.CurrentX = j: Printer.Print "_________";
Next j
End If
If Y > 27 Then
Printer.CurrentX = 1: Printer.CurrentY = 28: Printer.Print "Page " & NumPage
Y = 1
NumPage = NumPage + 1
Y = 1
End If
Next I
Printer.CurrentX = 1: Printer.CurrentY = 28: Printer.Print "Fin/Page " & NumPage
End Sub

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