List directory with specified extension & link

Contenu du snippet

Ce code permet de lister un repertoire en VBscript, il liste en focntion des extensions de fichiers spécifier, et les met en liens

Source / Exemple :

Option Explicit 'Option Explicit requires that you declare all variables

Dim strDocsPath, strDocsPhysicalPath
Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFiles, objFile
Dim strName, strFile, strType, lngSize
Dim extension
' NOTE: set the following line to the folder to display
strDocsPath = "/[...]" 'NOTE: Change this setting to the folder in your directory that contains
                                                 'the files you want to list (directory web!!!)

' map the folder to a physical path
strDocsPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(strDocsPath)

' create a system file object
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' create an object for the folder
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("C:\[...]")'Directory physic
' create a files collection
Set objFiles = objFolder.Files

' step through the files collection
For Each objFile in objFiles

' get a file's name
strName = objFile.Name

extension = objFSO.GetExtensionName(strName)
if extension = "html" then' remplacer html par les extensions que vous voulez

' make it lowercase for the URL
strFile = Lcase(strName)

' get the file's type
strType = objFile.Type

' make the name a title for display
strName = MakeTitle(strName)

' get the file size in KB
lngSize = objFile.Size\1024

' output the filename and URL
Response.Write "<li><a href= continue.asp?"& strFile & ">" & strName & "</a><br>"
'if you want to link to contine.asp?linkfile
' output the file's size and type
Response.Write "<em>(" & lngSize & "KB " & strType & ")</em></li>" & vbCrLf
end if

' this function simply drops the extension from a file
Function MakeTitle(strTemp)
If InStrRev(strTemp,".") Then
strTemp = Left(strTemp,InStrRev(strTemp,".")-1)
End If
MakeTitle = strTemp
End Function

Conclusion :

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