

permet d'extraire les icones et les curseur qui ce trouve dans la section de
resource des executables

Source / Exemple :

;à chaque item du liste box est associé
;un pointeur sur une structure à taille variable
;selon le nombre d'icone que contient l'icone,
;cette structure est présentée: 
;WORD ID1,ID2...
;...selon NBR_ICON 

.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include c:\masm32\include\windows.inc
include c:\masm32\include\user32.inc
include c:\masm32\include\kernel32.inc
include c:\masm32\include\gdi32.inc
include c:\masm32\include\comdlg32.inc

includelib c:\masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib c:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib c:\masm32\lib\gdi32.lib
includelib c:\masm32\lib\comdlg32.lib

 szdisplayname db 'EXTACTICON',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 FORMHEX       db '0123456789ABCDEF'
 FilterStExe db "Executable Files (*.dll;*.exe)",0,"*.dll;*.exe",0
                      db "All Files",0,"*.*",0,0
 FilterStrIco  db "fichier icone (*.ico)",0,"*.ico",0,0
                      ;db "All Files",0,"*.*",0,0
 FilterStrCurs db "fichier curseur (*.cur)",0,"*.cur",0
                      ;db "All Files",0,"*.*",0,0
 buffer       db 200 dup (0)
 lpfile       db 50 dup (0)
 initDir      db 100 dup (0)
 OPFN         dd  76,0,0,0,0,0,0,offset buffer,512
              dd  offset lpfile,50,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

    str_raw     db 'TYPE      ID        OFFSET   SIZE',0
    str_grpicon db 'ICONES',0
    str_icon    db 'ICONE',0
    str_cursor    db 'CURSOR',0
    str_grpcursor db 'CURSORS   ',0

msg1     db 'PE NON VALIDE !',0 

m_item1 db 'ouvrir executable',0
m_item2 db 'extraire ico,cur',0
m_item3 db 'copier item',0
h_mpopup dd 0

buf     db 100 dup(0)
buf2   db 100 dup(20h)

cl_list db 'LISTBOX',0
cl_btn  db 'BUTTON',0
cl_scrl db 'SCROLLBAR',0
hbtn dd 0
hlist dd 0
hscrl dd 0
hinst dd 0

hModule  dd 0
hIcon    dd 0
hHeap    dd 0

bloc_scrl dd 0
bloc_data dd 0
filesize  dd 0
cur_item  dd 0
Extico db '.ico'
      push 512
      push GPTR
      call GlobalAlloc
      push eax  ;arg GlobalFree
      mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
      mov edx,DS_CENTER
      or  edx,WS_POPUP
      or  edx,WS_SYSMENU
      ;or  edx,DS_MODALFRAME
      or  edx,WS_CAPTION
      mov dword ptr [eax],edx
      mov word ptr  [eax+10],0
      mov word ptr  [eax+12],0
      mov word ptr  [eax+14],290
      mov word ptr  [eax+16],100
      push 0
      call GetModuleHandle
      mov hinst,eax
      call GetProcessHeap
      mov  hHeap,eax
      push 0
      push offset DialogProc
      push 0
      push [ebp-4]
      push hinst
      call DialogBoxIndirectParam
      call GlobalFree
      push    0
      call    ExitProcess
DialogProc proc
      push ebp
      mov  ebp,esp
      cmp dword ptr [ebp+12],WM_INITDIALOG
      jnz @wmclose

      push  offset szdisplayname
      push [ebp+8]
      call SetWindowText

      push 501
      push hinst
      call LoadIcon

      push eax
      push ICON_SMALL
      push WM_SETICON
      push [ebp+8]
      call SendMessage

      call CreateMenu
      push eax
      push offset m_item1
      push 1  ;ID
      push 0
      push eax
      call AppendMenu
      pop  eax
      push eax
      push [ebp+8]
      call SetMenu

      call CreatePopupMenu
      mov h_mpopup,eax
      push offset m_item2
      push 2 ;ID
      push 0
      push eax
      call AppendMenu
      push offset m_item3
      push 3 ;ID
      push 0

      push h_mpopup
      call AppendMenu

      push 0
      push hinst
      push 500 ;ID
      push [ebp+8]
      push 170
      push 320
      push 0
      push 5
      push 0
      push offset cl_list
      call CreateWindowEx
      mov hlist,eax
;---choisis police     
      push 11
      call GetStockObject
      push 0
      push eax
      push 30h
      push hlist
      call SendMessage

      push 0
      push hinst
      push 500 ;ID
      push [ebp+8]
      push 170
      push 200
      push 0
      push 350
      push 0    
      push offset cl_btn
      push 0;WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
      call CreateWindowEx
      mov hbtn,eax

      push 0
      push hinst
      push 200 ;ID
      push [ebp+8]
      push 170
      push 15
      push 0
      push 560
      push  WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or SBS_VERT 
      push 0
      push offset cl_scrl
      push 0
      call CreateWindowEx
      mov hscrl,eax

      invoke HeapAlloc,hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,28
      mov    bloc_scrl,eax
      mov    dword ptr [eax],28 ;sizeofstruct
      mov    dword ptr [eax+4],SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL or SIF_ALL
      mov    dword ptr [eax+16],170

      cmp dword ptr [ebp+12],WM_CLOSE
      jnz @wmcontextm
      xor eax,eax
      push 0
      push [ebp+8]
      call EndDialog
      mov  esp,ebp
      pop  ebp

       cmp dword ptr [ebp+12],WM_CONTEXTMENU 
       jnz @wmcommand
       invoke SendMessage,hlist, LB_GETCURSEL,0,0
       cmp eax,0FFFFFFFFh
       jz @wmcommand
       mov  ax,[ebp+20];yposcur
       movzx  eax,ax
       mov  bx,[ebp+22];xposcur 
       movzx ebx,bx
       push 0
       push [ebp+8]
       push 0
       push ebx
       push eax
       push 0
       push h_mpopup
       call TrackPopupMenu

    cmp dword ptr [ebp+12],WM_COMMAND
    jnz @wmdrawitem
    cmp word ptr[ebp+16],1
    jnz @cmd1
    push [ebp+8]
    call MappFile

    cmp word ptr[ebp+16],2
    jnz @cmd2
    call Extract
    cmp word ptr[ebp+16],3
    jnz @cmd3
    call cpytoclipboard


       ;cmp word ptr[ebp+16],500
       ;jnz @wmdrawitem
       cmp word ptr[ebp+18],LBN_SELCHANGE
       jnz @wmdrawitem
       call SelChange
       jmp  @endprocd

     cmp dword ptr [ebp+12],WM_DRAWITEM
     jnz @wmvscroll
     mov eax,[ebp+20]

     cmp dword ptr [eax+4],500
     jnz @wmvscroll
      invoke SendMessage,hlist,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0
      test eax,eax
      jz @wmvscroll
     push  [ebp+20]
     push  [ebp+16]
     call  DrawItem

     cmp dword ptr [ebp+12],WM_VSCROLL
     jnz @endprocd
     push [ebp+16]
     call OnVScroll

       xor eax,eax
       mov esp,ebp
       pop ebp
       ret 16
DialogProc endp

OnVScroll proc
        push ebp
        mov  ebp,esp
        sub  esp,32

        mov dword ptr[ebp-32],28
        mov dword ptr[ebp-28],SIF_ALL 
        lea esi,[ebp-32]

        push esi
        push SB_CTL
        push hscrl
        call GetScrollInfo

        mov  edx,[ebp-12] ;y
        mov  eax,[ebp+8]
        cmp ax,SB_LINEDOWN
        push ax
        jnz @sblup
        inc edx
          pop ax
          cmp ax,SB_LINEUP
          push ax
          jnz @sbpageup
          dec edx
          pop ax
          cmp ax,SB_PAGEUP
          push ax
          jnz @sbpagedown

          sub  edx,[ebp-16]

          pop ax
          cmp ax,SB_PAGEDOWN
          push ax
          jnz @sbthumposition

          add  edx,[ebp-16]

          pop ax
          cmp ax,SB_THUMBPOSITION
          push ax
          jnz @sbthumbtrack

          mov  edx,[ebp-12]

          pop ax
          cmp ax,SB_THUMBTRACK
          jnz @endswitch

          mov  edx,[ebp-8]
          push 1
          push edx
          push SB_CTL
          push hscrl
          call SetScrollPos

             push FALSE
             push 0
             push hbtn
             call InvalidateRect

             push hbtn
             call UpdateWindow

        mov  esp,ebp
        pop  ebp
        ret  4
OnVScroll endp
;----------------CLIP BOARD-------------
cpytoclipboard proc

     push ebp
     mov  ebp,esp
     sub  esp,4 ;reserve 4 octet pour handle MEM
     invoke SendMessage,hlist, LB_GETCURSEL,0,0
     test eax,eax
     js   @noselectitem
     invoke SendMessage,hlist, LB_GETTEXT,eax,ADDR buf
     push hlist
     call OpenClipboard
     call EmptyClipboard
     push 200
     call GlobalAlloc ;cree l'espace MEMOIRE
     mov [ebp-4],eax  ;retourne un handle        
     push eax
     call GlobalLock  ;donne ptr sur MEMOIRE
     mov edi,eax        
     lea esi,buf
     push esi
@c:  lodsb
     test al,al
     jnz  @c

     mov al,0
     mov ecx,100
     pop edi
     rep stosb
     push [ebp-4]
     call GlobalUnlock
     push [ebp-4]  
     push 1 ;type texte
     call SetClipboardData
     call CloseClipboard
     push [ebp-4]
     call GlobalFree
     mov  esp,ebp
     pop  ebp
cpytoclipboard endp
SelChange proc
        push ebp
        mov  ebp,esp

 ;------------on recupere ptr associé à l'item

       invoke SendMessage,hlist, LB_GETCURSEL,0,0
       test eax,eax
       jnz  @memdata
       invoke SendMessage,hlist, LB_SETCURSEL,1,0
	 invoke SendMessage,hlist,LB_GETITEMDATA,eax,0
       push eax ;ptr item_data
       call memdata

       mov ebx,bloc_scrl
      ;----------mask scroll info
       mov edx,SIF_ALL
       mov dword ptr [ebx+4],edx
      ;---------min scroll info
       mov  dword ptr [ebx+8],0
       mov  [ebx+12],eax
     ;-------- pos scroll info        
       mov dword ptr [bloc_scrl+20],0
       push 1
       push bloc_scrl
       push SB_CTL

       push hscrl
       call SetScrollInfo
       push 0
       push 0
       push hbtn
       call InvalidateRect

       mov esp,ebp
       pop ebp

SelChange endp

;--------------OUVERTURE ET MAPPAGE DU FICHIER----------------------  
MappFile proc
  push ebp
  mov  ebp,esp
  sub  esp,16

        lea eax,FilterStExe
        mov [OPFN+12],eax
        mov eax,OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST
        or  eax,OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST
        or  eax,OFN_HIDEREADONLY
        or  eax,OFN_LONGNAMES
        mov [OPFN+52],eax
        mov [OPFN+44],0

  push 100
  push offset initDir
  call GetSystemDirectory
  push offset OPFN
  call GetOpenFileName
  and  eax,eax

  jnz  mapping
  mov  esp,ebp
  pop  ebp
  push 0
  push 0
  push offset buffer
  call CreateFile
  mov  dword ptr [ebp-12],eax
  push 0
  push 0
  push 0
  push 0
  push eax
  call CreateFileMapping
  mov  dword ptr [ebp-8],eax
  push 0
  push 0
  push 0
  push eax
  call MapViewOfFile
  mov  dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
  cmp word ptr [eax],'ZM'
  jnz exitMappFile
  add eax,[eax+60] 
  cmp dword ptr [eax],4550h  
  jnz  noValidPE

  push eax

  lea  edi,[szdisplayname+10]
  mov  byte ptr [edi],'-'
  inc  edi
  push edi
  push offset lpfile
  call scopy
  push  offset szdisplayname
  push [ebp+8]
  call SetWindowText
  pop eax
  push [ebp+8]
  push eax
  push [ebp-4];ptr_mapp
  call GetRsrc

  jmp  exitMappFile
  push 0
  push offset msg1
  push offset msg1
  push 0
  call MessageBox
  push [ebp-4]
  call UnmapViewOfFile
  push [ebp-8]
  call CloseHandle
  push [ebp-12]
  call CloseHandle
  mov  esp,ebp
  pop  ebp
  ret  4
MappFile endp
;--------------LIBERE MEM-----
freedata proc
       mov eax,hModule
       test eax,eax
       jnz  free

       push hModule
       call FreeLibrary
       push bloc_data
       push 0
       push hHeap
       call HeapFree
       invoke SendMessage,hlist,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0
       test eax,eax
       jnz  freeitem
       ;dec eax
       mov ecx,eax
       push ecx
       invoke SendMessage,hlist,LB_GETITEMDATA,ecx,0
       push eax
       push 0
       push hHeap
       call HeapFree

       pop ecx
       dec ecx
       test ecx,ecx
       jnz freenext
freedata endp

;-------------LIT SECTION RSRC ET STOCKE LES DONNEES --------------

;arg1 ptr mappfile, arg2 addr PE
GetRsrc proc
  push ebp
  mov  ebp,esp
  sub  esp,32


  call freedata

   push 0
   push 0
   push hlist
   call SendMessage

       push 1
       push 0
       push hbtn
       call InvalidateRect


  mov   eax,[ebp+12]
  add  eax,248 ;eax=OFF_SECTION_HEADER

;------------------  recherche section de resource dans le header
mov ecx,5
   cmp  dword ptr[eax],'rsr.'
   jz   itssection

   add  eax,40
   dec ecx
   test ecx,ecx
   jnz  findsection
    mov  esp,ebp
    pop  ebp
    ret  12
   mov edx,[eax+12] ;edx=RVA SECTION
   mov dword ptr [ebp-8],edx
   mov eax,[eax+20] ;eax=off_file rsrc
   mov dword ptr [ebp-12],eax ;RAW SECTION
   add eax,[ebp+8]  ;eax=pmap_off_file rsrc
   mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax ;sauvegarde 
   push eax

  push 0
  push offset buffer
  call LoadLibraryEx
  mov  hModule,eax

  invoke SendMessage,hlist,LB_ADDSTRING,0,ADDR str_raw

   pop eax
   mov cx,[eax+12]
   mov dx,[eax+14]
   add cx,dx     
   movzx ecx,cx  ;ecx = NBR_DIR_ENTRY
   add eax,16    ;eax = RSRC_DIR_ENTRY

   push ecx
   push eax

   mov edx,[eax]
   mov dword ptr [ebp-32],edx
   test edx,0FFFFFF00h
   jnz  next_type ;si le type est un string passe au suivant
   cmp edx,1  ;curseur ?
   jnz @1
   mov dword ptr [ebp-16],offset str_cursor
   jmp @4
   cmp edx,3  ;icone ? 
   jnz @2
   mov dword ptr [ebp-16],offset str_icon
   jmp @4 
   cmp edx,12 ;grp_cursor ?
   jnz @3
   mov dword ptr [ebp-16],offset str_grpcursor
   jmp @4
   cmp edx,14 ;grp_icon ?
   jnz next_type ;si le type pas icone pas curseur pas groupe icone pas grp cur suivant
   mov dword ptr [ebp-16],offset str_grpicon
   mov edx,[eax+4]
   and edx,00FFFFFFh
   add edx,[ebp-4] ;edx= ADDR SUB_DIR_TO_MAPFILE

   mov cx,[edx+12]
   add cx,[edx+14];cx= NBR_SUBDIR_ENTRY
   add edx,16 ;edx=START_SUBDIRS 
   movzx ecx,cx

        push ecx
        push edx
        mov  ebx,[edx]
        mov dword ptr [ebp-20],ebx ;ebx= ID_RSRC
        mov  ebx,[edx+4];ebx=ADDR_DIR_DATA
        and  ebx,00FFFFFFh
        add  ebx,[ebp-4];ebx=ADDR_DIR_DATA_TO_MAPFILE
        mov  ebx,[ebx+20];ebx=ADDR_SUBDIR_DATA
        and  ebx,00FFFFFFh
        add  ebx,[ebp-4];ebx=ADDR_SUBDIR_DATA_TO_MAPFILE
        mov  edi,[ebx];edi=RVA_DATA
        sub  edi,[ebp-8]
        add  edi,[ebp-12]
        mov  dword ptr [ebp-24],edi ;save
        mov  edi,[ebx+4];edi=SIZE_DATA
        mov  dword ptr [ebp-28],edi ;save
;----------formatage de la chaine-----

;-------------reinit buf2
        lea edi,buf2
        mov al,20h
        mov cx,100
        rep stosb

        lea edi,buf2
        push edi

        push edi
        push [ebp-16]
        call scopy
        mov  byte ptr [edi-1],20h

        pop  edi
        add  edi,10
        push edi
        push edi
        test dword ptr [ebp-20],0FFFF0000h
        jz   idnbr

        mov  edx,[ebp-20]
        and  edx,0000FFFFh
        add  edx,[ebp-4]
        push edx
        call UnicodeAnsi
        mov  byte ptr [edi],20h
        jmp  @addr

        push [ebp-20]
        call BinAsciiDec
        push offset buf
        call scopy
        mov  byte ptr [edi-1],20h
        pop  edi
        add  edi,10        
        push edi
        push offset buf
        push [ebp-24]
        call BinAsciiHex
        call scopy
        mov  byte ptr [edi-1],20h
        push edi
        push offset buf
        push [ebp-28]
        call BinAsciiHex
        call scopy
;--------------écrit la chaine      

        invoke SendMessage,hlist,LB_ADDSTRING,0,ADDR buf2
        cmp dword ptr [ebp-32],12
        jz @7
        cmp dword ptr [ebp-32],14
        jnz @8     

        mov ebx,[ebp-24];addr data
        add ebx,[ebp+8];eax=addr data to mappfile
        mov cx,[ebx+4];nbr de sous icone
        movzx ecx,cx
        push [ebp-32];type
        push ecx ;nbr de sous icone
        push eax ;index_item
        push ebx ;addr data to mappfile
        call grpmem
        jmp @9
        push   eax 
        invoke HeapAlloc,hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,10
        mov edx,[ebp-32]
        mov ebx,[ebp-20]
        mov word ptr [eax],dx ;type
        mov word ptr [eax+2],1 ;nbr
        mov word ptr [eax+4],bx ;id
        pop  ebx
        invoke SendMessage, hlist, LB_SETITEMDATA,ebx,eax 


        pop  edx
        pop  ecx
        add  edx,8
        dec  ecx
        test ecx,ecx
        jnz  next_subdir_entry


   pop  eax
   pop  ecx
   add eax,8
   dec ecx
   test ecx,ecx
   jnz next_dir_entry

  ;--------ptr mem pour fichier
        invoke HeapAlloc,hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,0
        mov    bloc_data,eax

   invoke SendMessage,hlist,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0
   dec  eax
   jz   noitem ;si ya rien on ce casse

   invoke SendMessage,hlist,LB_SETCURSEL,1,0
   call SelChange
   push hlist
   call SetFocus
   jmp fitem
   invoke SendMessage,hlist,LB_RESETCONTENT,0,0
  mov  esp,ebp
  pop  ebp
  ret  12
GetRsrc endp
;---------------------------MEMORISE STRUCTS GROUPS--------------------------------
;arg1 addr data, arg2 index item, arg3 nbr sous icones, arg4 type
grpmem proc
       push ebp
       mov  ebp,esp
       mov  eax,[ebp+16]
       mov  edx,eax
       shl  edx,2
       shl  eax,1
       add  eax,edx
       add  eax,4
       invoke HeapAlloc,hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,eax
       push eax ;ptr_mem
       mov  edx,[ebp+20]
       sub  edx,11
       mov ecx,[ebp+16]
       mov word ptr [eax],dx
       mov word ptr [eax+2],cx
       mov ebx,[ebp+8]
       add ebx,18
       add eax,4
       mov dx,[ebx]
       mov word ptr [eax],dx
       add ebx,14
       add eax,2
       dec ecx
       test ecx,ecx
       jnz nextID
       pop eax
       invoke SendMessage, hlist, LB_SETITEMDATA,[ebp+12],eax       

       mov  esp,ebp
       pop  ebp
       ret  16
grpmem endp
;---------MEM FICHIER ET CREE ICONE(S)------
memdata proc
       push ebp

       mov  ebp,esp
       sub esp,28
;-----------reserve mem pour fichier
       invoke HeapReAlloc,hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,bloc_data,100000 
       mov bloc_data,eax
       mov dword ptr [ebp-28],0
       mov edx,[ebp+8]
       mov cur_item,edx
       mov bx,[edx]
       movzx ebx,bx
       mov dword ptr [ebp-4],ebx ;type
       mov cx,[edx+2]
       movzx ecx,cx
;------------écrit l'entete de 6 octets ds bloc
;word res,word type,word nbr

     mov word ptr [eax],0
     cmp ebx,3
       jnz @11
       mov word ptr [eax+2],1 ;icone
       cmp ebx,1
       jnz @12
       mov word ptr [eax+2],2 ;curseur
       mov word ptr [eax+4],cx ;nbr
      mov   ebx,eax
      add   ebx,6       
      mov   eax,ecx
      shl   eax,4
      add   eax,6
      mov   dword ptr [ebp-20],eax ;taille header ou debut des données
      add   edx,4
      mov   edi,ecx
      shl   edi,1
      add   edi,edx
      mov   dword ptr [ebp-24],edi ;addr first handle
      push edx
      push ecx
      push ebx
;--------------chercher la resource--------
       push  [ebp-4] ;type rsrc
       mov   bx,[edx]
       movzx ebx,bx
       push  ebx    ;id rsrc
       push  hModule
       call FindResource
       mov  dword ptr [ebp-8],eax ;hRes
;------------charger la resource-----
       push [ebp-8];hRes 
       push hModule
       call LoadResource
       mov  dword ptr [ebp-12],eax ;hGlobal
;-----------optenir la taille de la resource
       push [ebp-8];hRes
       push hModule
       call SizeofResource
       cmp  dword ptr [ebp-4],1
       jnz  itnscur
       sub  eax,4 ;si curseur on reduit la taille de 4
       mov dword ptr [ebp-16],eax ;dwSize

;-----------creer un pointeur sur la resource
       push [ebp-12];hGlobal
       call LockResource

       cmp  dword ptr [ebp-4],1
       jnz  iticon
       add  eax,4 ;si curseur on avance le pointeur de 4

;--------écrire  dans bloc_data

       pop  ebx
       push ebx
       mov edx,[eax+4]           
       mov byte ptr [ebx],dl ;largeur

       mov edx,[eax+8]
       shr edx,1 
       add dword ptr [ebp-28],edx ;pour scrollbar info          
       add dword ptr [ebp-28],20
       mov byte ptr [ebx+1],dl ;hauteur
       mov edx,[eax+32]
       mov byte ptr [ebx+2],dl ;nbr de couleur
       mov byte ptr [ebx+3],0  ;reserve
       mov word ptr [ebx+4],1  ;nbr plan
       mov dx,[eax+14]
       mov word ptr [ebx+6],dx ;nbr octets par pixel
       mov edx,[ebp-16]
       mov dword ptr [ebx+8],edx ;nbr d'octets de données associées
       mov edx,[ebp-20]
       mov dword ptr [ebx+12],edx ;addresse des données dans le fichier

       mov  edi,bloc_data
       add  edi,[ebp-20] 
       mov esi,eax
       mov ecx,[ebp-16]
       rep movsb

       push 0
       push [eax+4] ;hauteur
       push [eax+4] ;largeur
       push 30000h
       push 1
       push [ebp-16];dwSize
       push eax     ;ptr resource
       call CreateIconFromResourceEx
       mov  edx,[ebp-24]
       mov  dword ptr [edx],eax ;recup hicon dans itemdata
       add  dword ptr [ebp-24],4

       mov eax,[ebp-16]
       add dword ptr [ebp-20],eax ;prochaine addr ou taille fichier en fin de boucle

       pop ebx
       pop ecx
       pop edx
       add ebx,16
       add edx,2
       dec ecx
       test ecx,ecx
       jnz next_elem
   ;---------taille fichier    
       mov eax,[ebp-20]    
       mov filesize,eax
   ;---------nmax scroll info
       mov eax,[ebp-28]

       mov  esp,ebp
       pop  ebp
       ret  4

memdata endp

DrawItem proc
      push ebp
      mov  ebp,esp
      sub  esp,32

 mov esi,[ebp+12] ;DRAWITEMSTRUCT

;----------creation du contexte d'affichage en mémoire
 push [esi+24]
 call CreateCompatibleDC
 mov  dword ptr [ebp-4],eax ;hMemDC
 push [esi+40]
 push [esi+36]
 push [esi+24]
 call CreateCompatibleBitmap
 mov  dword ptr [ebp-8],eax ;hMemBmp
 push  eax
 push  [ebp-4]
 call  SelectObject
 mov   dword ptr [ebp-12],eax ;hOldBmp
;----------- fond

 call GetSysColor
 push eax
 call CreateSolidBrush
 push eax ;arg DeleteObject
 lea  edi,[esi+28]
 push eax
 push edi
 push [ebp-4]
 call FillRect
 call DeleteObject

 push SB_CTL
 push hscrl
 call GetScrollPos
 neg  eax

 mov  dword ptr [ebp-16],eax ;init pos.y

;--------------init rect text

 mov  dword ptr [ebp-32],20;left
 mov  dword ptr [ebp-24],100;right

;-------dessin de  l'icone
 mov  edi,cur_item
 mov  cx,[edi+2]
 movzx ecx,cx  ;nbr

 mov   edx,ecx
 shl   edx,1
 add   edx,4
 add   edi,edx ;addr premier hicon
 mov  edx,bloc_data
 add  edx,18


          push  ecx
          push  edx
          mov  eax,[edx] 
          add  eax,bloc_data  ;info_header

          push  eax
          push  esi
          push  edi

          push  eax
          push [eax+4]
          call BinAsciiDec
          push offset buf2
          push offset buf
          call scopy
          mov  byte ptr [edi-1],'x'

          pop  eax
          push eax
          push edi
          push offset buf
          push [eax+4]
          call BinAsciiDec
          call scopy
          mov  byte ptr [edi-1],','

          pop eax
          mov dx,[eax+14];bitbcount
          cmp dx,4
          jz  @16col
          cmp dx,8
          jz  @256col
          mov  eax,1
          jmp  @colcount
          mov eax,16 
          jmp  @colcount
          mov  eax,256
          push edi
          push offset buf
          push eax
          call BinAsciiDec
          call scopy



         push TRANSPARENT
         push [ebp-4]
         call SetBkMode

      ;-----rec text
         mov  eax,[ebp-16] ;y
         mov  dword ptr [ebp-28],eax ;top
         add  eax,20
         mov  dword ptr [ebp-20],eax ;bottom
         lea eax,[ebp-32]

         push eax
         push 0FFFFFFFFh
         push offset buf2
         push [ebp-4]
         call DrawText

         add dword ptr [ebp-16],20 ;y+=20
         pop  edi
         pop  esi
         pop  eax

         push DI_NORMAL
         push 0
         push 0
         push [eax+4]
         push [eax+4]
         push [edi];hIcon
         push [ebp-16]  ;y
         mov  edx,[eax+4]
         add   dword ptr [ebp-16],edx ;prochain y
         push 20        ;x
         push [ebp-4]
         call DrawIconEx

         add  edi,4
         pop  edx
         pop  ecx
         add  edx,16
         dec  ecx
         test ecx,ecx
         jnz  @next_ico

;-------------recopie le contexte à l'écran

 push 0
 push 0
 push [ebp-4]
 push [esi+40]
 push [esi+36]
 push 0
 push 0
 push [esi+24]
 call BitBlt


;-----------liberation des resources
 push [ebp-12]
 push [ebp-4]
 call SelectObject

 push [ebp-4]
 call DeleteDC
 push [ebp-8]
 call DeleteObject

   mov  esp,ebp
   pop  ebp
   ret  8

DrawItem endp
Extract proc
        push ebp
        mov  ebp,esp
        sub esp,4

        mov al,0
        mov ecx,200
        lea edi,buffer
        rep stosb

         mov ebx,bloc_data

         cmp word ptr [ebx+2],1
        jnz itscurs

        lea eax,FilterStrIco
        lea edi,[FilterStrIco+22]
        jmp filterstr
        lea eax,FilterStrCurs
        lea edi,[FilterStrCurs+25]
        mov dword ptr [OPFN+60],edi
        mov [OPFN+12],eax
        mov eax,OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST
        or  eax,OFN_HIDEREADONLY
        or  eax,OFN_LONGNAMES
        mov [OPFN+52],eax
        mov [OPFN+44],0
       push offset OPFN
       call GetSaveFileName

;-------------------------creer fichier 
        push 0
        push CREATE_ALWAYS
        push 0
        push 0
        push GENERIC_WRITE
        push offset buffer
        call CreateFile
        push eax
;--------------------------------écrit le fichier
        lea edx,[ebp-4]
        push 0
        push edx    
        push filesize          ;nbr d'octets à écrire
        push bloc_data            ;off data à écrire
        push eax                 ;handle du fichier
        call WriteFile 
;-------------------------------fermer le fichier
        pop eax
        push eax
        call CloseHandle

        mov  esp,ebp
        pop  ebp
Extract endp

;-----------------------------DWORD EN CHAINE ASCII DEC----------------------------------------
BinAsciiDec proc
        push ebp
        mov ebp,esp
        mov eax,[ebp+8]  
        sub esp,20                       ;creer une zone temporaire de 20 bytes
        mov esi,ebp                      
        dec esi
        mov byte ptr [esi],0
        mov ecx,1
        mov ebx,10                       ;10 pour la division
divis:  mov edx,0                        ;eax=quotient précédent
        div ebx                          ;diviser par 10
        add dl,'0'                       ;convertir reste en ASCII
        dec esi                          ;on écrit de droite à guauche
        mov [esi],dl                     ;stocker dans zone temporaire
        inc  ecx
        test eax,eax
        jne  divis                       ;tant que reste diff zéro
        lea  edi,buf
        rep  movsb                       ;ds:si->es:di
        mov esp,ebp                      ;suppression zone temporaire 
        pop ebp
        ret 4                            ;depile l'argument dword (4 bytes)
BinAsciiDec endp
;-----------------------------DWORD EN CHAINE ASCII HEX---------------------------------
;arg1 DWORD:valeur
BinAsciiHex proc
        push ebp
        mov  ebp,esp                
        lea  edi,buf               
        lea  esi,FORMHEX            
        mov  eax,[ebp+8]          
        ror  eax,24              
        mov  ecx,4 
        xor ebx,ebx              
        xor edx,edx                
        mov  dl,al
        mov  bl,dl
        shr  dl,4                  ;dl=4 bits poid fort
        and  bl,00001111b          ;bl=4 bits poid faible
        push esi
        push esi

        add  esi,edx
        mov  dl,[esi]
        mov  byte ptr [edi],dl
        inc  edi
        pop  esi
        add  esi,ebx
        mov  bl,[esi]
        pop  esi
        mov  byte ptr [edi],bl
        rol  eax,8
        inc  edi
        loop NEXTB
        mov  esp,ebp

        pop  ebp

        ret  4                    ;depile les arguments 4 bytes  
BinAsciiHex endp
;---------------------------CONVERTI UNICODE EN ANSI-------------------------------
;arg1 src,arg2 dest
UnicodeAnsi proc
      push ebp
      mov  ebp,esp

      mov  esi,[ebp+8]
      mov  edi,[ebp+12]
      mov  cl,[esi]
      inc  esi
      inc  esi
      dec cl
      test cl,cl
      jnz nuni
      mov byte ptr [edi],0
      mov  esp,ebp
      pop  ebp
      ret  8
UnicodeAnsi endp
;---------------------------COPIE UNE CHAINE A UNE ADDRESSE------------------------
;arg1 src,arg2 dest
scopy proc
     push ebp
     mov  ebp,esp
     mov  esi,[ebp+8]
     mov  edi,[ebp+12]
     test al,al
     jnz @cpy     
     pop  ebp
     ret  8
scopy endp


;  style             DWORD      ?
;  dwExtendedStyle   DWORD      ?
;  cdit              WORD      ?;
;  x                 WORD      ?
;  y                 WORD      ?
;  lx                WORD      ?
;  ly                WORD      ?

;  CtlType       DWORD      ?
;  CtlID         DWORD      ?
;  itemID        DWORD      ?
;  itemAction    DWORD      ?
;  itemState     DWORD      ?
;  hwndItem      DWORD      ?
;  hdc           DWORD      ?
;  rcItem        RECT <>
;  itemData      DWORD      ?
;  cbSize        DWORD      ?
;  fMask         DWORD      ?
;  nMin          DWORD      ?
;  nMax          DWORD      ?
;  nPage         DWORD      ?
;  nPos          DWORD      ?
;  nTrackPos     DWORD      ?

Codes Sources

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