Envoyer une requète avec winhttp

Contenu du snippet

Information sur le WinHTTP

Plateforme supportées:

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family
Microsoft Windows XP, Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows 2000, Service Pack 3 (except Datacenter Server)

Source / Exemple :

Public oform1
Define Class form1 As Form
	DoCreate = .T.
	Caption = "Exemple de requete WinHTTP"
	Name = "Form1"
	Add Object command1 As CommandButton With ;
		AutoSize = .T., ;
		Top = 204, ;
		Left = 108, ;
		Height = 27, ;
		Width = 115, ;
		Caption = "WinHTTP requete", ;
		Name = "Command1"
	Add Object image1 As Image With ;
		Height = 110, ;
		Left = 48, ;
		Top = 12, ;
		Width = 241, ;
		Name = "Image1"
	Add Object text1 As TextBox With ;
		Height = 23, ;
		Left = 24, ;
		Top = 132, ;
		Width = 312, ;
		Name = "Text1"
	Procedure command1.Click
	Set Safety Off

    • ' Assemble an HTTP Request.
WinHttpReq.Open('GET','http://msdn.microsoft.com/vfoxpro/art/Foxpro_boxshot.jpg',.F.) WinHttpReq.Send() Thisform.text1.Value = Transform(WinHttpReq.Status) + " - " + WinHttpReq.StatusText
    • ' Put response data into a file.
    • ' Load the data file as a picture.
Thisform.image1.Picture= 'c:\FOXPRO.JPG' Endproc ENDDEFINE

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