Affichage tableau avec template classe


Ce script vous permettra d'afficher un tableau chargé en mémoire à l'avance.
Il y a plusieurs fonctions que vous pouvez explorer dans le fichier table.class.php ou directement dans la documentation fournie !
Avec ce script, vous n'aurez plus à taper <table><tr><td>... tout est automatique !

Compatible PHP4, PHP5
Vous devez obligatoirement mettre $null comme 4e paramètre si vous n'avez pas d'objet parent.
En PHP4, lorsque vous assignez l'objet à une variable et que vous voulez garder tous les liens des classes, il faut mettre la perluète &... ce qui donne
$obj =& new LSTable( 1, 1, '100', $other_table );
Normalement, si votre 4e paramètre est $null, il n'est pas nécessaire de sauvegarder le new LSTable avec la perluète.

Source / Exemple :

// table.class.php
// Class Table - You can modify the define values
// Revision History
// v1.05	01 jan	2004	Jean-Sebastien Goupil - Adding check is_object when setText()
// v1.04	09 dec	2004	Jean-Sebastien Goupil - Correct ; after &nbsp;
// V1.03	23 sep	2004	Jean-Sebastien Goupil - Add Better Row,Col Span Function
// V1.02	26 aug	2004	Jean-Sebastien Goupil - Many Bugs Cor.
// V1.01	25 aug	2004	Jean-Sebastien Goupil - Error init Col
// V1.00	23 aug	2004	Jean-Sebastien Goupil
// Copyright (C) Jean-Sebastien Goupil
define( 'TABLE_DEFAULT_CELL_VALUE', '&nbsp;' );	// If '&nbsp;', a cell will appear, if NULL, no cell will appear
define( 'TABLE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE', 'tpl_LS' );

include( 'template.php' );
class LSTable {
	var $template;							// string
	var $numRows, $numCols;						// int
	var $title;							// string
	var $text = array();						// string
	var $cellsAttributes = array(), $rowsAttributes = array();	// string
	var $hiddenRows = array(), $hiddenCols = array();		// bool
	var $width;							// string

	var $temp_col;							// int
	var $temp_ascending;						// bool


  • @return
  • @param int $numRows
  • @param int $numCols
  • @param string $width
  • @param object $parent
  • @desc Constructor. You can put a $parent object. This will search the first empty place into the parent.
    • /
function LSTable ( $numRows, $numCols, $width, &$parent ) { $this->numRows = intval( $numRows ); $this->numCols = intval( $numCols ); for( $i = 0; $i < $numRows; $i++ ) $this->_setVariable( $i ); for( $i = 0; $i < $numCols; $i++ ) $this->hiddenCols[ $i ] = TABLE_DEFAULT_COL_HIDDEN; $this->title = ''; $this->width = strval( $width ); if( defined( 'TABLE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE' ) ) $this->setTemplate( TABLE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE ); // We look for an empty place if $parent isn't null if( is_object( $parent ) ) { $stop = false; for( $i = 0; $i < $parent->numRows; $i++ ) { for( $j = 0; $j < $parent->numCols; $j++ ) { if( $parent->text[ $i ][ $j ] == TABLE_DEFAULT_CELL_VALUE ) { $parent->text[ $i ][ $j ] =& $this; $stop = true; } if( $stop == true ) break; } if( $stop == true ) break; } } } // No destructor for PHP4 //function __destruct() { // //} /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $row
  • @param int $col
  • @param mixed $string
  • @desc Writes Text or Object into $row and $col.
    • /
function setText ( $row, $col, $string ) { if( !is_object( $string ) ) $string = strval( $string ); if( is_int( $row ) && is_int( $col ) ) if( $row < $this->numRows && $col < $this->numCols ) $this->text[ $row ][ $col ] = $string; } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $row
  • @param int $col
  • @param string $attrib
  • @param mixed $value
  • @desc Adds a Cell Attribute at $row and $col.
    • /
function addCellAttribute ( $row, $col, $attrib, $value ) { if( is_int( $row ) && is_int( $col ) && is_string( $attrib ) ) if( $row < $this->numRows && $col < $this->numCols ) $this->cellsAttributes[ $row ][ $col ][ strtolower( $attrib ) ] = $value; } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $row
  • @param int $col
  • @param string $attrib
  • @desc Deletes a Cell Attribute at $row and $col.
    • /
function delCellAttribute ( $row, $col, $attrib ) { if( is_int( $row ) && is_int( $col ) && is_string( $attrib ) ) if( $row < $this->numRows && $col < $this->numCols ) unset( $this->cellsAttributes[ $row ][ $col ][ strtolower( $attrib ) ] ); } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $row
  • @param string $attrib
  • @param mixed $value
  • @desc Adds a Row Attribute at $row. Will be located in TR.
    • /
function addRowAttribute ( $row, $attrib, $value ) { if( is_int( $row ) && is_string( $attrib ) ) if( $row < $this->numRows ) $this->rowsAttributes[ $row ][ strtolower( $attrib ) ] = $value; } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $row
  • @param string $attrib
  • @desc Deletes a Row Attribute at $row.
    • /
function delRowAttribute ( $row, $attrib ) { if( is_int( $row ) && is_string( $attrib ) ) if( $row < $this->numRows ) unset( $this->rowsAttributes[ $row ][ strtolower( $attrib ) ] ); } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $row
  • @param string $attrib
  • @param mixed $value
  • @desc Adds a Cell Attribute in all cells located on $row row.
    • /
function addAllCellsInRowAttribute ( $row, $attrib, $value ) { if( is_int( $row ) && is_string( $attrib ) ) if( $row < $this->numRows ) for( $i = 0; $i < $this->numCols; $i++ ) $this->cellsAttributes[ $row ][ $i ][ strtolower( $attrib ) ] = $value; } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $col
  • @param string $attrib
  • @param mixed $value
  • @desc Adds a Cell Attribute in all cells located on $col column.
    • /
function addAllCellsInColAttribute ( $col, $attrib, $value ) { if( is_int( $col ) && is_string( $attrib ) ) if( $col < $this->numCols ) for( $i = 0; $i < $this->numRows; $i++ ) $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $col ][ strtolower( $attrib ) ] = $value; } /**
  • @return void
  • @param callback $template
  • @desc Sets Template (Class)
    • /
function setTemplate ( $template ) { if( is_string( $template ) ) if( class_exists( $template ) ) $this->template = strval( $template ); } /**
  • @return string
  • @desc Returns current Template
    • /
function template () { return $this->template; } /**
  • @return mixed
  • @param int $row
  • @param int $col
  • @desc Returns the text or object contained into $row and $col
    • /
function text ( $row, $col ) { if( is_int( $row ) && is_int( $col ) ) if( $row < $this->numRows && $col < $this->numCols ) return $this->text[ $row ][ $col ]; return FALSE; } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $row
  • @param int $col
  • @desc Clears the cell located into $row and $col. Keeps the Cell.
  • /
function clearCell ( $row, $col ) { if( is_int( $row ) && is_int( $col ) ) { if( $row < $this->numRows && $col < $this->numCols ) { $this->text[ $row ][ $col ] = TABLE_DEFAULT_CELL_VALUE; unset( $this->cellsAttributes[ $row ][ $col ] ); $this->cellsAttributes[ $row ][ $col ] = array(); } } } /**
  • @return int
  • @desc Returns the number of Rows
    • /
function numRows () { return $this->numRows; } /**
  • @return int
  • @desc Returns the number of Columns
    • /
function numCols () { return $this->numCols; } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $col
  • @param bool $ascending
  • @desc Sorts table based on $col.
    • /
function sortColumn ( $col, $ascending = TRUE ) { if( is_int( $col ) && is_bool( $ascending ) ) { if( $col < $this->numCols ) { $this->temp_col = $col; $this->temp_ascending = $ascending; $this->_sort_merge( $this->text ); } } } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $r
  • @desc Sets the number of rows of the table.
    • /
function setNumRows ( $r ) { if( is_int( $r ) ) if( $r >= 0 ) if( $r > $this->numRows ) $this->insertRows( $this->numRows, $r - $this->numRows ); elseif( $r < $this->numRows ) for( $i = $this->numRows; $i > $r; $i-- ) $this->removeRow( $i - 1 ); } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $r
  • @desc Sets the number of columns of the table.
    • /
function setNumCols ( $r ) { if( is_int( $r ) ) if( $r >= 0 ) if( $r > $this->numCols ) $this->insertColumns( $this->numCols, $r - $this->numCols ); elseif( $r < $this->numCols ) for( $i = $this->numCols; $i > $r; $i-- ) $this->removeColumn( $i - 1 ); } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $row
  • @desc Hides a $row from table
    • /
function hideRow ( $row ) { if( is_int( $row ) ) if( $row < $this->numRows ) $this->hiddenRows[ $row ] = TRUE; } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $col
  • @desc Hides a $col from table
    • /
function hideColumn ( $col ) { if( is_int( $col ) ) if( $col < $this->numCols ) $this->hiddenCols[ $col ] = TRUE; } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $row
  • @desc Shows a $row from table
    • /
function showRow ( $row ) { if( is_int( $row ) ) if( $row < $this->numRows ) $this->hiddenRows[ $row ] = FALSE; } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $col
  • @desc Shows a $col from table
    • /
function showColumn ( $col ) { if( is_int( $col ) ) if( $col < $this->numCols ) $this->hiddenCols[ $col ] = FALSE; } /**
  • @return bool
  • @param int $row
  • @desc Returns TRUE if a row is hidden.
    • /
function isRowHidden ( $row ) { if( is_int( $row ) ) if( $row < $this->numRows ) return $this->hiddenRows[ $row ]; return FALSE; } /**
  • @return bool
  • @param int $col
  • @desc Returns TRUE if a col is hidden.
    • /
function isColumnHidden ( $col ) { if( is_int( $col ) ) if( $col < $this->numCols ) return $this->hiddenCols[ $col ]; return FALSE; } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $row1
  • @param int $row2
  • @param bool $swapAttributes
  • @desc Swaps 2 rows. Swaps attributes if $switchAttributes is TRUE.
    • /
function swapRows ( $row1, $row2, $swapAttributes = FALSE ) { if( is_int( $row1 ) && is_int( $row2 ) && is_bool( $swapAttributes ) ) { if( $row1 < $this->numRows && $row2 < $this->numRows ) { $temp =& $this->text[ $row1 ]; $this->text[ $row1 ] =& $this->text[ $row2 ]; $this->text[ $row2 ] =& $temp; if( $swapAttributes == TRUE ) { $temp2 = $this->cellsAttributes[ $row1 ]; $this->cellsAttributes[ $row1 ] = $this->cellsAttributes[ $row2 ]; $this->cellsAttributes[ $row2 ] = $temp2; $temp2 = $this->rowsAttributes[ $row1 ]; $this->rowsAttributes[ $row1 ] = $this->rowsAttributes[ $row2 ]; $this->rowsAttributes[ $row2 ] = $temp2; } } } } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $col1
  • @param int $col2
  • @param bool $swapAttributes
  • @desc Swaps 2 cols. Swaps attributes if $switchAttributes is TRUE.
    • /
function swapColumns ( $col1, $col2, $swapAttributes = FALSE ) { if( is_int( $col1 ) && is_int( $col2 ) && is_bool( $swapAttributes ) ) { if( $col1 < $this->numCols && $col2 < $this->numCols ) { for( $i = 0; $i < $this->numRows; $i++ ){ $temp =& $this->text[ $i ][ $col1 ]; $this->text[ $i ][ $col1 ] =& $this->text[ $i ][ $col2 ]; $this->text[ $i ][ $col2 ] =& $temp; if( $swapAttributes == TRUE ) { $temp2 = $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $col1 ]; $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $col1 ] = $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $col2 ]; $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $col2 ] = $temp2; } } } } } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $row1
  • @param int $col1
  • @param int $row2
  • @param int $col2
  • @param bool $swapAttributes
  • @desc Swaps 2 cells. Swaps attributes if $switchAttributes is TRUE.
    • /
function swapCells ( $row1, $col1, $row2, $col2, $swapAttributes = FALSE ) { if( is_int( $row1 ) && is_int( $col1 ) && is_int( $row2 ) && is_int( $col2 ) && is_bool( $swapAttributes ) ) { if( $row1 < $this->numRows && $col1 < $this->numCols && $row2 < $this->numRows && $col2 < $this->numCols ) { $temp =& $this->text[ $row1 ][ $col1 ]; $this->text[ $row1 ][ $col1 ] =& $this->text[ $row2 ][ $col2 ]; $this->text[ $row2 ][ $col2 ] =& $temp; if( $swapAttributes == TRUE ) { $temp2 = $this->cellsAttributes[ $row1 ][ $col1 ]; $this->cellsAttributes[ $row1 ][ $col1 ] = $this->cellsAttributes[ $row2 ][ $col2 ]; $this->cellsAttributes[ $row2 ][ $col2 ] = $temp2; } } } } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $row
  • @param int $count
  • @desc Inserts $count row at $row position.
    • /
function insertRows ( $row, $count = 1 ) { if( is_int( $row ) && is_int( $count ) ) { if( $row >= 0 && $row <= $this->numRows ) { for( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { array_splice( $this->text, $row, 0, '' ); array_splice( $this->hiddenRows, $row, 0, FALSE ); array_splice( $this->cellsAttributes, $row, 0, FALSE ); array_splice( $this->rowsAttributes, $row, 0, FALSE ); $this->_setVariable( $row ); $this->numRows += 1; } } } } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $col
  • @param int $count
  • @desc Inserts $count columns at $col position.
    • /
function insertColumns ( $col, $count = 1 ) { if( is_int( $col ) && is_int( $count ) ) { if( $col >= 0 && $col <= $this->numCols ) { for( $i = 0; $i < $this->numRows; $i++ ) { $temp_text = array(); $temp_attributes = array(); reset($this->text[ $i ]); for( $j = 0; $j <= $this->numCols; $j++ ) { if( $col == $j ) { for( $k = 0; $k < $count; $k++ ){ $temp_text[] = ''; $temp_attributes[] = array(); } } if( $j == $this->numCols ) break; $temp_text[] = $this->text[ $i ][ $j ]; $temp_attributes[] = $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $j ]; } $this->text[ $i ] = $temp_text; $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ] = $temp_attributes; } for( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) array_splice( $this->hiddenCols, $col, 0, FALSE ); $this->numCols += $count; } } } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $row
  • @desc Removes $row.
    • /
function removeRow ( $row ) { if( is_int( $row ) ) { if( $row < $this->numRows ) { array_splice( $this->text, $row, 1 ); array_splice( $this->hiddenRows, $row, 1 ); array_splice( $this->cellsAttributes, $row, 1 ); array_splice( $this->rowsAttributes, $row, 1 ); $this->numRows -= 1; } } } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $col
  • @desc Removes $col.
    • /
function removeColumn ( $col ) { if( is_int( $col ) ) { if( $col < $this->numCols ) { for( $i = 0; $i < $this->numRows; $i++ ) { $temp_text = array(); $temp_attributes = array(); reset($this->text[ $i ]); while ( list( $key, ) = each( $this->text[ $i ] ) ) { if( $key != $col ) { $temp_text[] = $this->text[ $i ][ $key ]; $temp_attributes[] = $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $key ]; } } $this->text[ $i ] = $temp_text; $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ] = $temp_attributes; } array_splice( $this->hiddenCols, $col, 1 ); $this->numCols -= 1; } } } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $width
  • @desc Sets Table Width.
    • /
function setWidth ( $width ) { if( is_string( $width ) ) $this->width = strval( $width ); } /**
  • @return string
  • @desc Returns Table Width.
    • /
function width () { return $this->width; } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $title
  • @desc Sets Table Title.
    • /
function setTitle ( $title ) { if( is_string( $title ) ) $this->title = strval( $title ); } /**
  • @return string
  • @desc Returns Table Title.
    • /
function title () { return $this->title; } /**
  • @return void
  • @desc Displays the table with its cells.
    • /
function draw () { if( $this->template != '' ) { $tpl = new $this->template; $tpl->__header( $this->width, $this->title ); $this->_check_rowcol_span(); for( $i = 0; $i < $this->numRows; $i++ ) { if( $this->hiddenRows[ $i ] == FALSE ) { $tpl->__row_start( $this->rowsAttributes[ $i ] ); for( $j = 0; $j < $this->numCols; $j++ ) { if( $this->hiddenCols[ $j ] == FALSE ) { if( $this->text[ $i ][ $j ] !== NULL ) { if( is_object( $this->text[ $i ][ $j ] ) ) { $tpl->__cell_start( '', $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $j ] ); $this->text[ $i ][ $j ]->draw(); } else $tpl->__cell_start( $this->text[ $i ][ $j ], $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $j ] ); $tpl->__cell_stop( $this->text[ $i ][ $j ], $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $j ] ); } } } $tpl->__row_stop( $this->rowsAttributes[ $i ] ); } } $tpl->__footer( $this->width, $this->title ); } } // PRIVATE FUNCTIONS /**
  • @return void
  • @desc Sets NULL to cells if colspan or rowspan go on the cells
    • /
function _check_rowcol_span() { for( $i = 0; $i < $this->numRows; $i++ ) { for( $j = 0; $j < $this->numCols; $j++ ) { if( isset( $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $j ][ 'colspan' ] ) ) if( $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $j ][ 'colspan' ] > 0 ) for( $z = 1; $z < intval( $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $j ][ 'colspan' ] ); $z++ ) $this->text[ $i ][ $j + $z ] = NULL; if( isset( $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $j ][ 'rowspan' ] ) ) if( $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $j ][ 'rowspan' ] > 0 ) for( $z = 1; $z < intval( $this->cellsAttributes[ $i ][ $j ][ 'rowspan' ] ); $z++ ) $this->text[ $i + $z ][ $j ] = NULL; } } } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $r
  • @desc Sets Default Variables for row $r.
    • /
function _setVariable ( $r ) { $this->text[ $r ] = array_fill( 0, $this->numCols, TABLE_DEFAULT_CELL_VALUE ); $this->cellsAttributes[ $r ] = array_fill( 0, $this->numCols, array() ); $this->rowsAttributes[ $r ] = array(); $this->hiddenRows[ $r ] = TABLE_DEFAULT_ROW_HIDDEN; } /**
  • @return void
  • @param int $r
  • @desc Unsets Default Variables for row $r.
    • /
function _unsetVariable ( $r ) { unset( $this->text[ $r ] ); unset( $this->cellsAttributes[ $r ] ); unset( $this->rowsAttributes[ $r ] ); unset( $this->hiddenRows[ $r ] ); } /**
  • @return void
  • @param string $tab
  • @desc Merge Function
    • /
function _sort_merge ( &$tab ) { if( count( $tab ) <= 1 ) return; else { $tab1 = array(); $tab2 = array(); for( $i = 0; $i < count( $tab ); $i++) { if( $i < ( count( $tab ) ) / 2 ) $tab1[] = $tab[ $i ]; else $tab2[] = $tab[ $i ]; } $this->_sort_merge( $tab1 ); $this->_sort_merge( $tab2 ); $this->_merge_all( $tab1, $tab2, $tab ); } } /**
  • @return void
  • @param string $tab1
  • @param string $tab2
  • @param string $tab
  • @desc Merge Function
    • /
function _merge_all ( $tab1, $tab2, &$tab ) { $i = 0; $i1 = $i2 = 0; while( $i1 < count( $tab1 ) && $i2 < count( $tab2 ) ) { if( strcmp( $tab1[ $i1 ][ $this->temp_col ], $tab2[ $i2 ][ $this->temp_col ] ) == (($this->temp_ascending==TRUE)?-1:1) ) $tab[ $i ] = $tab1[ $i1++ ]; else $tab[ $i ] = $tab2[ $i2++ ]; $i++; } while( $i1 < count( $tab1 ) ) { $tab[ $i ] = $tab1[ $i1++ ]; $i++; } while( $i2 < count( $tab2 ) ) { $tab[ $i ] = $tab2[ $i2++ ]; $i++; } } } ?>

Conclusion :

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