[c#] tutorial basique (string, stream, fichier texte, fichier binaire)

Contenu du snippet

pas grand chose à dire si ce n'est que C un premier tutorial qui rassemble les bases du C# mais qui demande de connaitre la syntaxe un minimum :
- Gestion des strings
- Gestion de la console
- Gestion des execeptions
- Lecture/écriture dans un fichier texte
- Lecture/écriture dans un fichier binaire

Bonne base sinon pour commencer :

N'hésitez pas à mettre des tutoriaux de 100 ou 200 lignes qui regroupent une catégory de dev' ca permet à ceux qui débutent de pas arpenter le net à la recherche d'info sur un même sujet ;p

Source / Exemple :

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;

namespace T00_Core_StringStream
	/// <summary>
	/// Summary description for T00_Core_StringStream
	/// </summary>
	class T00_Core_StringStream
		/// <summary>
		/// The main entry point for the application.
		/// </summary>
		static void Main(string[] args)
			// Variable initialization

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int iMyInteger = 25; string szString1 = " My First String "; string szString2 = szString1 + ' ' + "Another String."; int[] aiMyIntArray = new int [iMyInteger]; Color oMyColor = Color.Blue; for (int i =0; i < aiMyIntArray.Length; i++) { aiMyIntArray [i] = (1 << i); } /* // Variable modification - Basics
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// Suppress space & tabs at beginning & end of string & copy result in szString3 string szString3 = szString1.Trim (); // Get offset in szString3 where the word 'First' starts int iIndexOfWord = szString3.IndexOf ("First"); // Copy in szString4 from last word start position to end string szString4 = szString3.Substring (iIndexOfWord, szString3.Length - iIndexOfWord); // Format a string & write it to console string szString5 = String.Format ("This is equivalent to sprintf() in C with various arguments:\n- {0}\n- {1}\n- {2}", iMyInteger, szString3, szString4); Console.WriteLine (szString5); /* // Console manage
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string szInput = ""; int iTest = 0; float f32Test = 0; // No exception during read operation Console.WriteLine("\nType in an integer (No Exception) :"); szInput = Console.ReadLine(); iTest = int.Parse(szInput); Console.WriteLine("Type in a decimal (format like 1,5) (No Exception) :"); szInput = Console.ReadLine(); f32Test = float.Parse(szInput); Console.WriteLine("int: {0} float: {1}", iTest, f32Test); // Use exceptions try { Console.WriteLine("\nType in an integer (WITH Exceptions) :"); szInput = Console.ReadLine(); iTest = int.Parse(szInput); } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine("Integer : Invalid input recieved, using default value of 7 (Exception {0})", e.ToString ()); iTest = 7; } try { Console.WriteLine("Type in a decimal (format like 1,5) (WITH Exceptions) :"); szInput = Console.ReadLine(); f32Test = float.Parse(szInput); } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine("Decimal : Invalid input recieved, using default value of 1.5 (Exception {0})", e.ToString ()); f32Test = 1.5f; } Console.WriteLine("int: {0} float: {1}", iTest, f32Test); /* // Text file manage
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// Write in a text file StreamWriter oWriteTextStream = new StreamWriter ("MyFile.txt"); oWriteTextStream.WriteLine ("This is a text file"); oWriteTextStream.WriteLine (szString5); oWriteTextStream.Close (); // Read from text file StreamReader oReadTextStream = new StreamReader ("MyFile.txt"); string szStringResult; int iCounter = 0; while ((szStringResult = oReadTextStream.ReadLine ()) != null) { Console.WriteLine("Read line {0} {1}", iCounter, szStringResult); iCounter++; } oReadTextStream.Close (); /* // Binary file manage
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// Write in binary file Stream oWriteBinStream = File.Open("MyFile.bin", FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter oWriteBinOutput = new BinaryWriter (oWriteBinStream); oWriteBinOutput.Write (iMyInteger); oWriteBinOutput.Write (szString1); oWriteBinOutput.Write (oMyColor.ToArgb ()); // Convert color to integer oWriteBinOutput.Close (); oWriteBinStream.Close (); // Read in binary file Stream oReadBinStream = File.Open("MyFile.bin", FileMode.Open); BinaryReader oReadBinOutput = new BinaryReader (oReadBinStream); iMyInteger = oReadBinOutput.ReadInt32 (); szString1 = oReadBinOutput.ReadString(); iMyInteger = oReadBinOutput.ReadInt32 (); oMyColor = Color.FromArgb (iMyInteger); // Convert integer to color oReadBinOutput.Close (); oReadBinStream.Close (); } } }

Conclusion :

Just have fun ;p

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