Horloge digital


aucun probleme d'installation puisque l'horloge se met a jour en fonction de votre heure systeme.

il faut just créér des "shapes" indexés (shape1: 60 index, shape2: 27 index, shape3: 2 index)
et mettre deux timers. le timer1 a un intervalle d' 1 seconde et le timer2 de 60 secondes.

Source / Exemple :

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If Shape3(0).FillColor = &HFF& And Shape3(1).FillColor = &HFF& Then
Shape3(0).FillColor = &H0
Shape3(1).FillColor = &H0
Shape3(0).FillColor = &HFF
Shape3(1).FillColor = &HFF
End If
i = Second(Now)
If i = 0 Then
Shape1(60).FillColor = &H0
i = 60
End If
If i < 60 Then
Shape1(i).FillColor = &HFF
For r = 1 To 60
Shape1(r).FillColor = &H0
Next r
i = 0
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
Dim op(3)
Dim u(6)
Static b, c, d, e
a = Time
b = Mid(a, 1, 1) 'dizaine
c = Mid(a, 2, 1) 'unite
d = Mid(a, 4, 1) 'dizaine
e = Mid(a, 5, 1) 'unite

op(0) = b
op(1) = c
op(2) = d
op(3) = e

u(0) = 0
u(1) = 1
u(2) = 2
u(3) = 3
u(4) = 4
u(5) = 5
u(6) = 6

Call clear
For i = 0 To 3

For t = 0 To 6
u(t) = t + (i * 7)
Next t

z = op(i)

If z = 0 Then
Shape2(u(0)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(2)).Visible = False
Shape2(u(1)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(5)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(6)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(4)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(3)).FillColor = &HFF&
End If
If z = 1 Then
Shape2(u(0)).Visible = False
Shape2(u(1)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(5)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(2)).Visible = False
Shape2(u(3)).Visible = False
Shape2(u(4)).Visible = False
Shape2(u(6)).Visible = False

End If
If z = 2 Then
Shape2(u(0)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(1)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(2)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(4)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(6)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(3)).Visible = False
Shape2(u(5)).Visible = False
End If
If z = 3 Then
Shape2(u(0)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(1)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(2)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(5)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(6)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(3)).Visible = False
Shape2(u(4)).Visible = False
End If
If z = 4 Then
'Call clear
Shape2(u(3)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(1)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(2)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(5)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(0)).Visible = False
Shape2(u(4)).Visible = False
Shape2(u(6)).Visible = False
End If
If z = 5 Then
Shape2(u(0)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(3)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(2)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(5)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(6)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(4)).Visible = False
Shape2(u(1)).Visible = False
End If
If z = 6 Then
Shape2(u(0)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(3)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(4)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(6)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(5)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(2)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(1)).Visible = False
End If
If z = 7 Then
Shape2(u(0)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(1)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(5)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(2)).Visible = False
Shape2(u(3)).Visible = False
Shape2(u(4)).Visible = False
Shape2(u(6)).Visible = False
End If
If z = 8 Then
For c = 0 To 6
Shape2(u(c)).FillColor = &HFF&
Next c
End If
If z = 9 Then
Shape2(u(0)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(1)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(2)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(3)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(5)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(6)).FillColor = &HFF&
Shape2(u(4)).Visible = False
End If
Next i
End Sub

Public Sub clear()
Dim ob As Object
For Each ob In Shape2
ob.FillColor = &H0&
ob.Visible = True
Next ob
End Sub

Conclusion :

voila, finalement je l'ai mis a jour!
merci pour le petit coup de main d'une personne etant venu me laisser un message! ;o)

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