Bidouillez les dossier de windows! (fun et tres jolie!) (pour 9.x/nt, pas xp)

Contenu du snippet

ba oui, vous voyez a gauche?
ya une colone avec les attribut du fichier selectionné et C moche!
tres tres moche meme!

alors voila...
vous allez dans affichage>personnaliser ce dossier et choisissez "page HTML"
le bloc note apparait et la vous mettez le code ci-dessous dedans...

Source / Exemple :


  • This file was automatically generated by Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0
  • using the file %THISDIRPATH%\folder.htt (if customized) or
  • %TEMPLATEDIR%\folder.htt (if not customized).
# Modifié par BlackWizzard... # Fuck Windobe! Vive Linux! # (pour ceux qui ne comprenne pas, je reste sous windobe tant qu'il n'y a pas d'equivalents de flash sous linux...) --> <html> <style> body {font: 8pt/10pt verdana; margin: 0} #FileList {position: absolute; left: 30%; width: 70%; height: 100%} #Media {margin-left: 15px} #Panel {position: absolute; width: 30%; height: 100%; overflow: auto} #PieChart {width: 100px; height: 50px; margin-top: 10px} #Thumbnail {width: 160px; height: 160px; margin-top: 0px} #Status {margin-left: 15px} #Brand {position: absolute; left: 30%; width: 70%; height: 100%; overflow: auto} p {margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 15px; margin-right: 15px} p.Title {font: 16pt; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 5px} p.LogoLine {margin-left: 0; margin-top: -5px; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 20px} p.Warning {font-weight: bold; color: red} p.Links {margin-top: 5px} a.Command {font-weight: bold} div.Release {width: 160px; text-align: right; background: buttonface; padding: 0px, 8px, 4px, 8px} {font-weight: bold; color: #336699; text-decoration: none; font: 8pt/10pt verdana;} {font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff; text-decoration: underline; font: 8pt/10pt;} </style> <head> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <!-- allow references to any resources you might add to the folder --> <!-- (a "webbot" is a special wrapper for FrontPage compatibility) --> <!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" tag="base" startspan --> <base href="%THISDIRPATH%\"> <!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan --> <script language="JavaScript"> var L_Prompt_Text = "Sélectionnez un truc pour obtenir une description."; var L_Multiple_Text = " machins sélectionnés."; var L_Size_Text = "Taille du machin : "; var L_FileSize_Text = "Taille totale de ces trucs : "; var L_Delimiter_Text = "."; var L_Bytes_Text = "&nbsp;octets"; var L_Attributes_Text = "Attributs du truc"; var L_Codes_Text = "RHSaCE"; // suppress the Archive flag var L_ReadOnly_Text = "Lecture seule"; var L_Hidden_Text = "Caché"; var L_System_Text = "Système"; var L_Archive_Text = "Archive"; var L_Compressed_Text = "Compressé"; var L_Encrypted_Text = "Crypté"; var L_NoAttributes_Text = "(normal)"; var L_Properties_Text = "P&ropriétés de cette chose"; var timer = 0; var wantMedia = true; // cool, but may hinder media file manipulation var FlashBG = "#000000"; var TMPitempath = ""; var navVersion = navigator.appVersion.substring(0,1); var i1 = "file://c:\\color.gif"; var i2 = "file://c:\\color2.gif"; if (navVersion >= 3) { i936656 = new Image; i936656 = "file://c:\\color2.gif"; } function FixSize() { // this function handles fixed panel sizing and collapsing when the window resizes var threshold = 400; var miniHeight = 32; var ch = document.body.clientHeight; var cw = document.body.clientWidth; if (cw < threshold) { = "hidden"; = "visible"; = miniHeight; = 0; } else { = "hidden"; = "visible"; = 0; =; } = cw -; = ch -; } function FormatNumber(n) { var t = ""; var i, j = 0; for (i = n.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { t = n.charAt(i) + t; if (i && ((++j % 3) == 0)) t = L_Delimiter_Text + t; } return t; } function Properties() { FileList.SelectedItems().Item(0).InvokeVerb(L_Properties_Text); } function Init() { // call our FixSize() function whenever the window gets resized window.onresize = FixSize; FixSize(); Info.innerHTML = L_Prompt_Text; } function swfColor() { FlashBG = prompt("entrez la couleur en hexadecimal (#336699 par exemple)",FlashBG); document.all.Media.innerHTML = '<object ID="Player" style="width: 160px; height: 148px;" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0"><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="' + TMPitempath + '"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=' + FlashBG + '> <EMBED src="' + TMPitempath + '" quality=high bgcolor=' + FlashBG + ' WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""></EMBED></center></object> <br><a href="javascript:swfColor();"><img src="file://c:\\color.gif" border=0></a>' } </script> <script language="JavaScript" for="FileList" event="SelectionChanged"> // this script updates the left info panel when you select icons var fldr = FileList.Folder; var items; var name; var data; var text; var title; var size = 0; var i; // cancel any pending status message if (timer) { window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = 0; } // erase any visible thumbnail since the selection changed = "none"; = "none"; // stop & destroy any media player if (wantMedia) document.all.Media.innerHTML = ""; data = FileList.SelectedItems().Count; if (data == 0) { // nothing selected? Info.innerHTML = L_Prompt_Text; return; } else if (data > 1) { // more than one item selected? text = data + L_Multiple_Text + "<br>"; if (data <= 100) { for (i = 0; i < data; i++) size += FileList.SelectedItems().Item(i).Size; if (size) text += "<br>" + L_FileSize_Text + FormatNumber(size.toString()) + L_Bytes_Text + "<br>"; if (data <= 16) for (i = 0; i < data; i++) text += "<br>" + FileList.SelectedItems().Item(i).Name; } Info.innerHTML = text; return; } items = FileList.SelectedItems().Item(0); // name name = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 0); text = "<b>..:: " + name + " ::..</b>"; // type data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 2); if (data) text += "<br>:: " + data + " ::"; // date data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 3); if (data) text += "<br><br>" + fldr.GetDetailsOf(null, 3) + ":<br><font size=1><b>" + data + "</b></font>"; // size size = FileList.SelectedItems().Item(0).Size; if (size && size < 1000) text += "<br><br>" + L_Size_Text + size + L_Bytes_Text; else { data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 1); if (data) text += "<br><br>" + fldr.GetDetailsOf(null, 1) + ": " + data; else if (size) text += "<br><br>" + L_Size_Text + FormatNumber(size.toString()) + L_Bytes_Text; } // extra details? for (i = 4; i < 10; i++) { title = fldr.GetDetailsOf(null, i); if (!title) break; data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, i); if (title == L_Attributes_Text) { var code; var s = ""; text += "<br><br>" +"JavaScript:onClick=Properties()") + ": "; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { code = L_Codes_Text.charAt(i); if (data.indexOf(code) > -1) { if (s) s += ", "; if (i == 0) s += L_ReadOnly_Text; else if (i == 1) s += L_Hidden_Text; else if (i == 2) s += L_System_Text; else if (i == 3) s += L_Archive_Text; else if (i == 4) s += L_Compressed_Text; else if (i == 5) s += L_Encrypted_Text; } } if (!s) s = L_NoAttributes_Text; text += s; } else if (data) text += "<br><br>" + title + ":<br>" + data; } // tip? data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, -1); if (data && data != name) { var start; var end; var theLink; var a; // parse lines for Office files without breaking links below a = data.split("\n"); data = a.join("<br>\n"); // look for embedded links text += "<br><br>"; start = data.indexOf("http://"); if (start < 0) start = data.indexOf("file://"); if (start < 0) text += data; else { end = data.indexOf(" ", start); if (end < 0) end = data.length; if (start > 0) text += data.substring(0, start - 1); theLink = data.substring(start, end); text +=; if (end < data.length) text += data.substring(end + 1, data.length); } } // replace Info with the new text Info.innerHTML = text; if (wantMedia && size) { TMPitempath = items.Path; // show media preview or thumbnail based on file extension ext = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, name.length); ext = ext.toLowerCase(); if (ext == 'avixxx' || ext == 'mov' || ext == 'qt' || ext == 'mpe' || ext == 'mpeg' || ext == 'mpg') { // show a movie player document.all.Media.innerHTML = '<object ID="Player" style="width: 160px; height: 148px" classid=clsid:05589FA1-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A><param name="FileName" value="' + items.Path + '"><param name=ShowDisplay value=0><param name=BorderStyle value=0></object>'; } else if (ext == 'aif' || ext == 'aifc' || ext == 'aiff' || ext == 'au' || ext == 'mid' || ext == 'rmi' || ext == 'snd' || ext == 'wav' || ext == 'mp3') { // show a sound player document.all.Media.innerHTML = '<object ID="Player" style="width: 160px; height: 28px" classid=clsid:05589FA1-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A><param name="FileName" value="' + items.Path + '"><param name=ShowDisplay value=0></center></object>' } else if (ext == 'swf') { // show a Flash Player document.all.Media.innerHTML = '<object ID="Player" style="width: 160px; height: 148px;" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0"><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="' + TMPitempath + '"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=' + FlashBG + '> <EMBED src="' + TMPitempath + '" quality=high bgcolor=' + FlashBG + ' WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""></EMBED></center></object> <br><a href="javascript:swfColor();"><img src="file://c:\\color.gif" border=0></a>' } } // try to generate a new thumbnail asynchronously, and delay the status message one second if (size && (size < 10000000) && Thumbnail.displayFile(items.Path)) timer = window.setTimeout(' = ""', 1000); </script> <script language="JavaScript" for="Thumbnail" event="OnThumbnailReady"> // when a valid thumbnail has been generated, display it window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = 0; = "none"; if (document.all.Thumbnail.haveThumbnail() && document.all.Media.innerHTML == "") = ""; </script> </head> <body scroll=no onload="Init()" bgcolor=#000000> <!-- start mini banner --> <div ID="MiniBanner" style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 32px; background: window"> <!-- using a table with nowrap to prevent word wrapping --> <table><tr><td nowrap> <p class=Title style="margin-top: 0"> <!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan alt="<B><I>Web View Folder Title</I></B>&nbsp;" --> %THISDIRNAME% <!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan --> </td></tr></table> </div> <!-- end mini banner --> <!-- start left info panel --> <div id=Panel style="background: black"> <p> <object classid="clsid:E5DF9D10-3B52-11D1-83E8-00A0C90DC849" width=32 height=32> <param name="scale" value="100"> </object> <p class=Title> <!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan alt="<B><I>Web View Folder Title</I></B>&nbsp;" --> <center> <table bgcolor=#000000 cellspacing=0 cellspading=0 width=90%> <tr> <th bgcolor=#336699 align=left> :: </th> <th bgcolor=#336699> %THISDIRNAME% </th> <th bgcolor=#336699 align=right> :: </th> </tr> <tr> <th bgcolor=#000000></th> <th bgcolor=#000000 align=left> <font color=#ffffff size=1> <span id=Info> </span> </font> </th> <th bgcolor=#000000></th> </tr> <tr> <th bgcolor=#336699>::</th> <th bgcolor=#336699> Media </th> <th bgcolor=#336699>::</th> </tr> <tr> <th bgcolor=#ffffff></th> <th bgcolor=#ffffff> <object id=Thumbnail classid="clsid:1D2B4F40-1F10-11D1-9E88-00C04FDCAB92" style="display: none"> </object> <!-- this is the status message that pops up during thumbnail generation --> <div id=Status style="display: none"> il rame a mort cet ordi! </div> <!-- this contains any ActiveMovie control created later --> <div id=Media> </div> </th> <th bgcolor=#ffffff></th> </tr> <tr> <th bgcolor=#336699>::</th> <th bgcolor=#336699> Pub! </th> <th bgcolor=#336699>::</th> </tr> <tr> <th bgcolor=#000000></th> <th bgcolor=#000000> <a href=# class=black></a><br> </th> <th bgcolor=#000000></th> </tr> </table> <marquee loop=infinite bgcolor=#000000 width=90%><font color=#336699><b>Codé par BlackWizzard</b></font></marquee> </center> <!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan --> <p class=LogoLine> <p> <!-- HERE'S A GOOD PLACE TO ADD A FEW LINKS OF YOUR OWN --> <!-- (examples commented out) <p> <br> <a href="">Custom Link 1</a> <p class=Links> <a href="">Custom Link 2</a> --> <br><br> <p> <!-- this is the thumbnail viewer control --> </div> <!-- end left info panel --> <!-- this is the standard file list control --> <!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan --> <object id=FileList border=0 tabindex=1 classid="clsid:1820FED0-473E-11D0-A96C-00C04FD705A2"> </object> <!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan --> </body> </html>

Conclusion :

vous devez creer "color.gif" a la racine du disque c:\
un aperçut est dispo pour les fichier son (aiff, wav, mp3, etc...), video (sauf avi car ça fé planter le pc chez moi...a rectifier chez vous!) et flash (swf)
pour les fichier flash, un boutton "color" apparait...Il sert a changer la couleur de fond du fichier flash. pour ça, cliquez sur le boutton et entrez la couleur en hexadecimal avec le # devant.

bon, G fait ça en qques heures pour m'amuser, sinon, C pas tres utile!

Pour la capture d'ecran, G ajouté une image de fond noir en arriere plan des fichier...

A voir également

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