Représentation graphique des tables de multiplication

Contenu du snippet

Ce modeste programme permet de créer une représentation graphique des tables de
multiplication. C'est lorsque j'ai découvert la vidéo faîte par le vidéaste
de la chaîne Micmaths sur youtube que j'ai eu l'envie de le recréer moi-même. J'ai choisi d'utiliser la bibliothéque pygame pour concevoir la GUI de ce programme. Et comme d'habitude, je n'ai pas utilisé la POO.
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


#from pygame import display, event, init, key, font, time
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from pygame.draw import circle, line
from math import cos, sin, pi
from random import randint
from os import popen

def getSystemResolutionOnLinux():
 screen = popen("xrandr -q -d :0").readlines()[0]
 tmp = screen.split()
 return int( tmp[7] ), int( tmp[9][:-1] )

def create_points(bg, pc, modulo):
 dtheta = 2 * pi / modulo
 alpha = 0
 for i in range(modulo):
  alpha = dtheta * i
  pc[i] = [ POS_CIRCLE[X] + int( R * sin(alpha) ) , POS_CIRCLE[Y] - int( R * cos(alpha) ) ]
  if ( i + 1 ) % ( modulo // 51 + 1 ) == 0 :#pour aérer le dessin (+ beau)
   circle(bg, BROWN, pc[i], R_, 0)
def create_texts(bg, texts, pos_texts, pc, modulo):
 dtheta = 2 * pi / modulo
 alpha = 0
 for i in range(modulo):
  if ( i + 1 ) % ( modulo // 51 + 1 ) == 0 :#pour aérer le dessin (+ beau)
   alpha = dtheta * i
   pos_texts[i].centerx = pc[i][X] + int( EPS * sin(alpha) )
   pos_texts[i].centery = pc[i][Y] - int( EPS * cos(alpha) )
   bg.blit(texts[i], pos_texts[i])

def create_lines(bg, pc, table, modulo):
 x = 0.0
 for i in range(modulo):
  x = table * i
  x %= modulo
  line(bg, GREEN, pc[i], pos_arriv(x, float(modulo)), 1)
def pos_arriv(b, modulo):
 x = float(POS_CIRCLE[X]) + R * sin( b / modulo * 2 * pi )
 y = float(POS_CIRCLE[Y]) - R * cos( b / modulo * 2 * pi )
 return ( int(round(x)) , int(round(y)) )
def init(texts, pos_texts, textsPara, pos_textsPara, pos_circles, font, modulo, tps, type_var, pause, var):
 textsPara += [ font.render( "variable : " + str(TYPE_VAR[type_var]), 1, BLACK) ]
 textsPara += [ font.render( "pause = " + str(pause), 1, BLACK) ]
 textsPara += [ font.render( "f = " + str( 1 / tps[DELAY][type_var] * 1e3 ) + " Hz", 1, BLACK) ]
 textsPara += [ font.render( "sens : " + str(SENS[var]), 1, BLACK) ]
 for i in range(len(textsPara)) :
  pos_textsPara += [ textsPara[i].get_rect() ]
  pos_textsPara[i].x = 0.02 * WIDTH_SC
  pos_textsPara[i].y = ( 0.02 + i * 0.05 ) * HEIGH_SC
 for i in range(modulo):
  pos_circles += [ [0,0] ]
  texts += [ font.render(str(i), 1, BLACK) ]
  pos_texts += [ texts[i].get_rect() ]
  pos_texts[i].centerx = 0
  pos_texts[i].centery = 0
def reinit(texts, pos_texts, pos_circles, font, modulo):
 if len(pos_circles) < modulo:
  pos_circles += [ [0,0] ]
  texts += [ font.render(str(len(texts)), 1, BLACK) ]
  pos_texts += [ texts[-1].get_rect() ]
  pos_texts[-1].centerx = 0
  pos_texts[-1].centery = 0
  pos_circles = pos_circles[:-1]
  texts = texts[:-1]
  pos_texts = pos_texts[:-1]
def reinitFont(bg, text_title, textpos, texts, font, table, modulo):
 text_title = font.render("Table de " + str(table) + " modulo " + str(modulo), 1, BLACK)
 textpos = text_title.get_rect()
 textpos.centerx = bg.get_rect().centerx
 textpos.centery = bg.get_rect().centery
 bg.blit(text_title, textpos)
def reinitFontPara(bgFont, textsPara, pos_textsPara, font, tps, type_var, pause, var):
 textsPara[0] = font.render( "variable : " + str(TYPE_VAR[type_var]), 1, BLACK)
 textsPara[1] = font.render( "pause = " + str(pause), 1, BLACK)
 textsPara[2] = font.render( "f = " + str( 1 / tps[DELAY][type_var] * 1e3 ) + " Hz", 1, BLACK)
 textsPara[3] = font.render( "sens : " + str(SENS[var]), 1, BLACK)
 for i in range(len(textsPara)) :
  bgFont.blit(textsPara[i], pos_textsPara[i])

def main():
 #init var
 table = randint(20,500) * 10e-1
 modulo = randint(100,119)
 start = True
 pos_circles = []
 texts = []
 textsPara = []
 pos_texts = []
 pos_textsPara = []
 tps = [ 0.0 , 0.0 , [ 20.0 , 100.0 ] ]
 pause = False
 type_var = MODULO
 # Initialisation de la fenêtre d'affichage
 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH_SC, HEIGH_SC))
 pygame.display.set_caption("Dessiner les tables de multiplication")
 pygame.key.set_repeat (500, 30)

 # Remplissage de l'arrière-plan
 bg = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())
 # Remplissage de l'arrière-plan font
 bgFont = pygame.Surface((WIDTH_SC * 0.22, HEIGH_SC * 0.22))

 # Affichage d'un texte
 font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", FONT_SIZE)
 text_title = font.render("Table de " + str(table) + " modulo " + str(modulo), 1, BLACK)
 textpos = text_title.get_rect()
 textpos.centerx = bg.get_rect().centerx
 textpos.centery = bg.get_rect().centery
 bg.blit(text_title, textpos)
 init(texts, pos_texts, textsPara, pos_textsPara, pos_circles, font, modulo, tps, type_var, pause, var)
 reinitFontPara(bgFont, textsPara, pos_textsPara, font, tps, type_var, pause, var)

 # Boucle d'évènements
 while 1:
  tps[PRES] = pygame.time.get_ticks()
  for event in pygame.event.get():
   if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
   elif event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.unicode == 'x' or event.unicode == 'X') and 1 < modulo:
    modulo -= 1
    reinitFont(bg, text_title, textpos, texts, font, table, modulo)
    reinit(texts, pos_texts, pos_circles, font, modulo)
    start = True
   elif event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.unicode == 'c' or event.unicode == 'C'):
    modulo += 1
    reinitFont(bg, text_title, textpos, texts, font, table, modulo)
    reinit(texts, pos_texts, pos_circles, font, modulo)
    start = True
   elif event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.unicode == 'q' or event.unicode == 'Q'):
    table -= 1.0
    reinitFont(bg, text_title, textpos, texts, font, table, modulo)
    start = True
   elif event.type == KEYDOWN and ( event.unicode == 's' or event.unicode == 'S' ) :
    table -= 0.01
    reinitFont(bg, text_title, textpos, texts, font, table, modulo)
    start = True
   elif event.type == KEYDOWN and ( event.unicode == 'd' or event.unicode == 'D' ) :
    table += 0.01
    reinitFont(bg, text_title, textpos, texts, font, table, modulo)
    start = True
   elif event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.unicode == 'f' or event.unicode == 'F'):
    table += 1.0
    reinitFont(bg, text_title, textpos, text, font, table, modulo)
    start = True
   elif ( event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == MB_MIDDLE ) or ( event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_SPACE ) :
    if pause:
     pause = False
     pause = True
    reinitFontPara(bgFont, textsPara, pos_textsPara, font, tps, type_var, pause, var)
    start = True
   elif ( event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == MB_RIGHT ) or ( event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_BACKSPACE ) :
    if var:
     var = DECREASE
     var = INCREASE
    reinitFontPara(bgFont, textsPara, pos_textsPara, font, tps, type_var, pause, var)
    start = True
   elif ( event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == MB_LEFT ) or ( event.type == KEYDOWN and ( event.unicode == 't' or event.unicode == 'T' ) ) :
    if type_var == TABLE :
     type_var = MODULO
     type_var = TABLE
    reinitFontPara(bgFont, textsPara, pos_textsPara, font, tps, type_var, pause, var)
    start = True
   elif ( event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == MBSW_UP ) :#ajout d'un hertz
    if 10.1 < tps[DELAY][type_var] :
     tps[DELAY][type_var] = tps[DELAY][type_var] / ( 1.0 + tps[DELAY][type_var] * 1e-3 )
    reinitFontPara(bgFont, textsPara, pos_textsPara, font, tps, type_var, pause, var)
    start = True
   elif ( event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == MBSW_DOWN ) :
    if tps[DELAY][type_var] < 999.9 :
     tps[DELAY][type_var] = tps[DELAY][type_var] / ( 1.0 - tps[DELAY][type_var] * 1e-3 )
    reinitFontPara(bgFont, textsPara, pos_textsPara, font, tps, type_var, pause, var)
    start = True
  if not(pause) and ( tps[DELAY][type_var] <= tps[PRES] - tps[PAST] ):
   if type_var == TABLE:
    if var == DECREASE:
     table -= 0.01
     table += 0.01
    if var == DECREASE:
     if modulo != 1:
      modulo -= 1
      pause = True
     modulo += 1
    reinit(texts, pos_texts, pos_circles, font, modulo)
   reinitFont(bg, text_title, textpos, texts, font, table, modulo)
   start = True
   tps[PAST] = tps[PRES]
  if start == True:
   if not pause :
    create_points(bg, pos_circles, modulo)
    create_lines(bg, pos_circles, table, modulo)
    create_texts(bg, texts, pos_texts, pos_circles, modulo)
    screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))
   screen.blit(bgFont, (0, 0))
   start = False

WIDTH_SC = getSystemResolutionOnLinux()
HEIGH_SC = int( WIDTH_SC[1] * 0.9 )
WIDTH_SC = int( WIDTH_SC[0] * 0.9 )

#Mouse Button, Scroll Wheel

R = int( HEIGH_SC * 0.45 )
R_ = int( 4 * WIDTH_SC / 1366 )
FONT_SIZE = int( 32 * WIDTH_SC / 1366 )
EPS = int( 30 * WIDTH_SC / 1366 )

#              R    G    B
WHITE      = (250, 250, 250)
BLACK      = ( 10,  10,  10)
GREEN      = (  0, 155,   0)
BRIGHTBLUE = (  0,  50, 255)
BROWN      = (174,  94,   0)

PAST, PRES, DELAY = 0, 1, 2
X, Y = 0, 1

SENS = { DECREASE : "<-" , INCREASE : "->" }

if __name__ == '__main__' : main()

Prise en main :
q : table -= 1.00
s : table -= 0.01
d : table += 0.01
f : table += 1.00

x : modulo -= 1
c : modulo += 1

clique molette/barre d'espace : arrêter/reprendre l'animation
clique droit/backspace : incrémentation/desincrémentation
clique gauche/t : variation de la valeur de la table/modulo

molette haut/bas : augmenter/diminuer la vitesse de l'animation (linéaire)

possible de réitérer une commande en restant appuyé sur une touche
vidéo de Micmaths à ce sujet :
et de Mathologer aussi :

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